Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.3.5
Kazib HoTR Stamina Werewolf Dragonknight also Rylot




191 / 541
0 / 3600
Patch 2.7.11
- Drachenritter
- Waffe
- Zweihänder
- Waffe mit Schild
- Zwei Waffen
- Bogen
- Zerstörungsstab
- Heilungsstab
- Rüstung
- Leichte Rüstung
- Mittlere Rüstung
- Schwere Rüstung
- Offene Welt
- Lug und Trug
- Seelenmagie
- Werwolf
- Vampirismus
- Spähen
- Ausgrabung
- Allianzkrieg
- Sturmangriff
- Kaiser
- Unterstützung
- Gilde
- Diebesgilde
- Dunkle Bruderschaft
- Kriegergilde
- Magiergilde
- Unerschrockene
- Psijik-Orden
- Volk
- Handwerk
- Alchemie
- Schmiedekunst
- Schneiderei
- Schreinerei
- Versorgen
- Verzaubern
- Schmuckhandwerk
Beschreibung dieser Skillung
Purpose: PvP build that can be used without changing Champ points to create a Trial PvE build
*started created this build 11/10/17
*this section is for notes as I think of things.. also expected stats as I build it..the stats will change
*would like to do 7 heavy with impen for PvP and change that to 5 Med & 2 Heavy for PvE with Divines or/and Infused but might change that to 5 heavys and 2 meds for PvP
*current consideration for PvE is probably better for me using dual weld and bow but currently don't have enough skill points to test this out since need to keep 2h & 1HS skill line for PvP
Maelstrom Greatsword - Sharpened, merciless charge enchantment (also Asylum 2h Weapon wouldn't be bad)
Ophidian Axe of Venon - Poisoned Weapon enchament , Infused (VICIOUS SERPENT SET weapon crit x2, minor slayer in dungeon 5%, + the important stuff at 5-8% reduce cost stamina abilities, more weapon damage, when kill restore stamina 2150 & gain major expedition)
Ophidian Shield of Venon, Max Stamina enchant, Infused
Ophidian Necklace reduce stamina cost, Robust;Ring (2) reduce stamin cost, robust,
Monster Set - Selene (head medium stam impen shoulders medium stam impen)for burst damage or Bloodspawn for sustain
Ravaging Cuirass - Heavy - stamina enchant, reinforced (weapon critical, Max Health, weapon damage, when you deal melee damage you have a 8% chance to increase weapon damage by 645 for 10 seconds).
Ravagin Girdle heavy stamina impen
Ravaging Gauntlets heavy stamina impen
Ravaging Greaves heavy stamina reinforced
Ravaging Sabatons heavy stamina impen
Ravaging is more for burst damage (could switch to something else for sustain such as Fury)
Poisonous serpent set Max stamina(medium armor only), Weapon Damage, Max Stamina, light or heavy attack against enemy with poison damage on them you have a 50% change to deal an additional 4032 poison Damage,,, effect once every 1 second. If I can afford the drop in health I would like to test this over Ravaging for PVE since targets will probably always have poison on them)
Group (not trials) PVE Night Mother Gaze -weapon crit x2, weapon damage, critical attacks reduce physical resistant
Group (not trials) PVE Spriggans Max stam x2, weapon damage, physical resistant reduction
Monster: Medium & Light Tremorscale Health infused/divines
Dual Weld: Noxious Breath, Venomous Claw,rending slashes, Quick Cloak, (exchange for tornado),Vigor, flawless(smiting)
Bow: Poison Arrow,Endless Hail, rearming Traps, Cantrips, Molten Armaments, Werewolf
While I like the above set another PvP option could be all Heavy and Impen, if possible
Seventh Legion's [weapon damage; health recovery; weapon crit; when you take damage 10% chance to gain 480ish weapon damage for 5 seconds and heal for 1300ish]
Troll King 2% Healing done; increase health regen of target when healing below 50% by 1500 or so
Bone Pirate max staminax2, stamina recovery, with drink active +2000 to stamina +150 to Stam recovery
(werewolf fear sets off balance so Armor of Truth Set [weapon damage, weapon crit, max stam, WD increase 450 when set enemy off balance] may be good)
Buffed stats in cyrodiil with all self buffs and in werewolf form
MM 10.5k mr .5k ok
MH 22.8k HR .5k ok ( I normally do better with 25K but we'll see how this ends up working.. change attributes if need)
MS 46.6k SR 1.8k good
SD 1772 WD 3660 ok
SC 20.9 WC 39.6 - little low since target WC is 50%+
SR 34k PR 30.8k good
CR 1898 (may be a bit low.. would like 2200 for PvP.. see about changing something maybe champ points?)
*started created this build 11/10/17
*this section is for notes as I think of things.. also expected stats as I build it..the stats will change
*would like to do 7 heavy with impen for PvP and change that to 5 Med & 2 Heavy for PvE with Divines or/and Infused but might change that to 5 heavys and 2 meds for PvP
*current consideration for PvE is probably better for me using dual weld and bow but currently don't have enough skill points to test this out since need to keep 2h & 1HS skill line for PvP
Maelstrom Greatsword - Sharpened, merciless charge enchantment (also Asylum 2h Weapon wouldn't be bad)
Ophidian Axe of Venon - Poisoned Weapon enchament , Infused (VICIOUS SERPENT SET weapon crit x2, minor slayer in dungeon 5%, + the important stuff at 5-8% reduce cost stamina abilities, more weapon damage, when kill restore stamina 2150 & gain major expedition)
Ophidian Shield of Venon, Max Stamina enchant, Infused
Ophidian Necklace reduce stamina cost, Robust;Ring (2) reduce stamin cost, robust,
Monster Set - Selene (head medium stam impen shoulders medium stam impen)for burst damage or Bloodspawn for sustain
Ravaging Cuirass - Heavy - stamina enchant, reinforced (weapon critical, Max Health, weapon damage, when you deal melee damage you have a 8% chance to increase weapon damage by 645 for 10 seconds).
Ravagin Girdle heavy stamina impen
Ravaging Gauntlets heavy stamina impen
Ravaging Greaves heavy stamina reinforced
Ravaging Sabatons heavy stamina impen
Ravaging is more for burst damage (could switch to something else for sustain such as Fury)
Poisonous serpent set Max stamina(medium armor only), Weapon Damage, Max Stamina, light or heavy attack against enemy with poison damage on them you have a 50% change to deal an additional 4032 poison Damage,,, effect once every 1 second. If I can afford the drop in health I would like to test this over Ravaging for PVE since targets will probably always have poison on them)
Group (not trials) PVE Night Mother Gaze -weapon crit x2, weapon damage, critical attacks reduce physical resistant
Group (not trials) PVE Spriggans Max stam x2, weapon damage, physical resistant reduction
Monster: Medium & Light Tremorscale Health infused/divines
Dual Weld: Noxious Breath, Venomous Claw,rending slashes, Quick Cloak, (exchange for tornado),Vigor, flawless(smiting)
Bow: Poison Arrow,Endless Hail, rearming Traps, Cantrips, Molten Armaments, Werewolf
While I like the above set another PvP option could be all Heavy and Impen, if possible
Seventh Legion's [weapon damage; health recovery; weapon crit; when you take damage 10% chance to gain 480ish weapon damage for 5 seconds and heal for 1300ish]
Troll King 2% Healing done; increase health regen of target when healing below 50% by 1500 or so
Bone Pirate max staminax2, stamina recovery, with drink active +2000 to stamina +150 to Stam recovery
(werewolf fear sets off balance so Armor of Truth Set [weapon damage, weapon crit, max stam, WD increase 450 when set enemy off balance] may be good)
Buffed stats in cyrodiil with all self buffs and in werewolf form
MM 10.5k mr .5k ok
MH 22.8k HR .5k ok ( I normally do better with 25K but we'll see how this ends up working.. change attributes if need)
MS 46.6k SR 1.8k good
SD 1772 WD 3660 ok
SC 20.9 WC 39.6 - little low since target WC is 50%+
SR 34k PR 30.8k good
CR 1898 (may be a bit low.. would like 2200 for PvP.. see about changing something maybe champ points?)
Championrang: 0

- 0

- 0

- 64
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Passive Fähigkeiten

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