Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.3.5
You're Toxic (Redguard Stamina DK)




0 / 541
0 / 3600
Lady LaLa
Patch 2.7.4
- Klasse
- Bitte Klasse oben auswählen.
- Waffe
- Zweihänder
- Waffe mit Schild
- Zwei Waffen
- Bogen
- Zerstörungsstab
- Heilungsstab
- Rüstung
- Leichte Rüstung
- Mittlere Rüstung
- Schwere Rüstung
- Offene Welt
- Lug und Trug
- Seelenmagie
- Werwolf
- Vampirismus
- Spähen
- Ausgrabung
- Allianzkrieg
- Sturmangriff
- Kaiser
- Unterstützung
- Gilde
- Diebesgilde
- Dunkle Bruderschaft
- Kriegergilde
- Magiergilde
- Unerschrockene
- Psijik-Orden
- Volk
- Bitte Volk oben auswählen.
- Handwerk
- Alchemie
- Schmiedekunst
- Schneiderei
- Schreinerei
- Versorgen
- Verzaubern
- Schmuckhandwerk
Beschreibung dieser Skillung
So the goal for this one is to lay down DOTs with our bow bar and have heavy single target damage with our 2 handed bar, while maintaining some survivability. I threw in the option to go werewolf (swap out Dawnbreaker) for some more chao-I mean fun :) It's mainly PvP focused, but can very easily run through PvE with a few gear tweaks.
On Sets: Barkskin (Elden Hollow) is a good one to run as your medium set; health, stam recovery, and physical resistance are all nice bonuses, but the immobilization reduction and heal can make a big difference in the middle of a PvP siege. Shadow of the Red Mountain (Stonefalls) is another option, with a pop of flame damage potentially every 2 seconds. If you don't like either of those, Viper's Sting adds poison to our melee attacks. We'll want one piece of Pirate Skeleton (you can buy the helmet in Cyrodiil over the weekend, it's a life saver) for more physical and spell resistance, whether you go light or heavy will depend on what you want your second set to be. For heavy, Armor of the Veiled Heritance (Auridon) is a solid choice, as is Hatchling's Shell (Shadow Fen). Bastion of the Heartland (Cyrodiil, Heavy Defensive Boxes) is also useful for this one, gives you a little more tankiness in battle (and reduces damage from siege like those pesky oils and Coldfires). For a light set, we have Buffer of the Swift (Cyrodiil, Light Armor Defensive Boxes) or Almalexia's Mercy (also Cyrodiil, Light Armor Defensive Boxes). To level up, Hunding's Rage is a good one to go with if you can get someone to craft it for you, but you'll want to swap that out as soon as you hit vet.
Your setup should look something like this:
Head: Pirate Skeleton
Shoulders: Piece from your light or heavy set
Rest of Armor: Medium
Rings and Necklace: Your light or heavy set
Weapons: Your light or heavy set
Personally, I like to use Viper's Sting, light Pirate Skeleton, and Veiled Heritance for PvE, Bastion for PvP.
For your food buff, while tri-stat is good, we don't use magicka, so just find something to buff your health and stamina (don't discount the siege merchant if you don't want to craft it yourself or buy it from other players)
We're almost entirely invested in Ardent Flame, since it gives us such a buff to poison damage, but each of the other trees have one passive that buffs us without using our skills, so it may be worth your time to grind up your other trees. Personally, I just stick one point in each and swap out a couple of skills when I turn in quests, but those aren't a priority. I'd invest some time training Provisioning on any character, if only for the bonuses to how long your food lasts, but especially with a Redguard, since you already get a bonus to how long food lasts.
On Sets: Barkskin (Elden Hollow) is a good one to run as your medium set; health, stam recovery, and physical resistance are all nice bonuses, but the immobilization reduction and heal can make a big difference in the middle of a PvP siege. Shadow of the Red Mountain (Stonefalls) is another option, with a pop of flame damage potentially every 2 seconds. If you don't like either of those, Viper's Sting adds poison to our melee attacks. We'll want one piece of Pirate Skeleton (you can buy the helmet in Cyrodiil over the weekend, it's a life saver) for more physical and spell resistance, whether you go light or heavy will depend on what you want your second set to be. For heavy, Armor of the Veiled Heritance (Auridon) is a solid choice, as is Hatchling's Shell (Shadow Fen). Bastion of the Heartland (Cyrodiil, Heavy Defensive Boxes) is also useful for this one, gives you a little more tankiness in battle (and reduces damage from siege like those pesky oils and Coldfires). For a light set, we have Buffer of the Swift (Cyrodiil, Light Armor Defensive Boxes) or Almalexia's Mercy (also Cyrodiil, Light Armor Defensive Boxes). To level up, Hunding's Rage is a good one to go with if you can get someone to craft it for you, but you'll want to swap that out as soon as you hit vet.
Your setup should look something like this:
Head: Pirate Skeleton
Shoulders: Piece from your light or heavy set
Rest of Armor: Medium
Rings and Necklace: Your light or heavy set
Weapons: Your light or heavy set
Personally, I like to use Viper's Sting, light Pirate Skeleton, and Veiled Heritance for PvE, Bastion for PvP.
For your food buff, while tri-stat is good, we don't use magicka, so just find something to buff your health and stamina (don't discount the siege merchant if you don't want to craft it yourself or buy it from other players)
We're almost entirely invested in Ardent Flame, since it gives us such a buff to poison damage, but each of the other trees have one passive that buffs us without using our skills, so it may be worth your time to grind up your other trees. Personally, I just stick one point in each and swap out a couple of skills when I turn in quests, but those aren't a priority. I'd invest some time training Provisioning on any character, if only for the bonuses to how long your food lasts, but especially with a Redguard, since you already get a bonus to how long food lasts.
Championrang: 0

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