ESO-Skillwerkstatt ESO-Datenbank ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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Übrigens kannst du im Spiel insgesamt 541 Skillpunkte erhalten (9.0.5. Nekrom)!
  • Himmelsscherben: 175
  • Level: 64
  • DLC: 149
  • AvA Ränge: 50
  • Veteranenverliese: 0
  • Gruppenverliese: 24
  • Öffentliche Verliese: 16
  • Hauptgeschichte: 14
  • Quests (Alle Zonen): 49
Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.3.5

Viable stamina healer

  • Fähigkeiten / SkillsFähigkeiten / Skills
  • ChampionsystemChampionsystem
  • SetsSets
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Die Schlange - Erhöht Eure Ausdauerregeneration um 310 (Mit 7 Teilen Göttlich 507)
0 / 541
0 / 3600
Patch 4.3.9
  • Klasse
    • Bitte Klasse oben auswählen.
  • Waffe
    • Zweihänder
    • Waffe mit Schild
    • Zwei Waffen
    • Bogen
    • Zerstörungsstab
    • Heilungsstab
  • Rüstung
    • Leichte Rüstung
    • Mittlere Rüstung
    • Schwere Rüstung
  • Offene Welt
    • Lug und Trug
    • Seelenmagie
    • Werwolf
    • Vampirismus
    • Spähen
    • Ausgrabung
  • Allianzkrieg
    • Sturmangriff
    • Kaiser
    • Unterstützung
  • Gilde
    • Diebesgilde
    • Dunkle Bruderschaft
    • Kriegergilde
    • Magiergilde
    • Unerschrockene
    • Psijik-Orden
  • Volk
    • Bitte Volk oben auswählen.
  • Handwerk
    • Alchemie
    • Schmiedekunst
    • Schneiderei
    • Schreinerei
    • Versorgen
    • Verzaubern
    • Schmuckhandwerk

Beschreibung dieser Skillung

5 pc Hulking Draugur
5 pc Spellpower Cure
2 pc molag kena

This is a build for an actually viable stamina healer. The concept is healing through light / heavy attacks while having green lotus up, along with echoing vigor and soothing spores for stronger heals. For this reason, molag kena is an obvious choice for monster sets since you’ll be constantly light attacking. With all buffs up you can attain a weapon damage of over 3k.
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R

  • Geschick 0
  • Macht 0
  • Kraft 0

Magicka Magicka
  • 0
Leben Leben
  • 0
Ausdauer Ausdauer
  • 0

  • Kein Set ausgewählt

  • Es sind keine passiven Fähigkeiten vorhanden


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Kommentare (5)

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Melden    08.11.2017 - 08:53:50 | #5
I'm so glad it does come in weapons and jewelry. That's the best news I've heard all day. I do like having a good spamable, that's why I went with the cliff strider, but that works better with the bow build than the daggers. That way between that and the netch I have the extra 4% damage bonus from the animal companion line passives, on top of the 20% from brutality. But yeah, I probably have a bit more stamina recovery than I need, I should look into that... It's like 1.8k unbuffed at the moment.
Melden    08.11.2017 - 05:55:03 | #4
Powerful assault does indeed come in weapons and jewelry. I have two rings, a necklace and a sword. I got the jewelry pretty cheap, but the sword was 50k. I paid it since there were literally no other one handed PA weapons in the guild stores. I realize too that bull netch gives major brutality as does shrouded daggers. I like using shrouded daggers as a spammable attack though. Also since I have a high stamina recovery the 20% from bird of prey offers a bit more stamina then what netch recovers.
Melden    08.11.2017 - 02:10:22 | #3
As a followup, I remembered why I didn't have shrouded daggers, bull netch gives the 20% bonus to both weapon and spell damage, it lasts 27 seconds, is free, and gives the stamina regen. Also, I found out the Powerful Assault set only comes in medium armor, not in jewelry or weapons, so that means all crafted sets (including hundings) are not possible to get the 5 piece bonus. But Powerful Assault is too good to pass up. So something like Night Mother's Embrace from Deshaan might make a decent replacement. It gives ~250 weapon damage, max stam, and stam recovery.
Melden    07.11.2017 - 04:28:02 | #2
Baelfyer schriebExcellent call on the Powerful Assault set and on Shrouded Daggers. I will have to work those into my build. Some things I have found worked well in my experience are, get the warrior mundus stone, as that will give a direct increase to healing. Second, get rid of the restoration staff. Vigor and Spores scale with stamina and weapon damage, using Pelinals weakens the strength of those heals as hunding's rage would be much better. Especially because you can use your back bar for utility skills, such as your bull netch. Also, in place of the restoration staff, you can use a bow and push out some pretty amazing damage for a healer. You probably don't need Soothing Spores on both bars, leaving room for poison injection or something similar. And you can switch the location of the ultimates, that way you get the extra 5% damage affecting both Vigor and Spores. I like living vines, but I haven't tested it out much outside of tank builds. But it looks like a good build and I am thrilled to see interest in the stamina warden healer. It's a very underrated build.

Thanks for the comments. I have thought about using a bow on the back bar, but I like resto staff to recover magicka quickly and use rapid regen for some extra healing with its extended range. I may have to try a bow and see how I like it, maybe slot poison injection or endless hail. I also have soothing spores on both bars just in case someone takes a big hit while I’m on my back bar. A few seconds could be the difference between getting the heal and losing a team mate. I also try to keep my stamina recovery around 2k so that’s why I went serpent, but I can definitely see how the warrior stone could be helpful. You given some thing’s to think about
Melden    07.11.2017 - 03:57:14 | #1
Excellent call on the Powerful Assault set and on Shrouded Daggers. I will have to work those into my build. Some things I have found worked well in my experience are, get the warrior mundus stone, as that will give a direct increase to healing. Second, get rid of the restoration staff. Vigor and Spores scale with stamina and weapon damage, using Pelinals weakens the strength of those heals as hunding's rage would be much better. Especially because you can use your back bar for utility skills, such as your bull netch. Also, in place of the restoration staff, you can use a bow and push out some pretty amazing damage for a healer. You probably don't need Soothing Spores on both bars, leaving room for poison injection or something similar. And you can switch the location of the ultimates, that way you get the extra 5% damage affecting both Vigor and Spores. I like living vines, but I haven't tested it out much outside of tank builds. But it looks like a good build and I am thrilled to see interest in the stamina warden healer. It's a very underrated build.