ESO-Skillwerkstatt ESO-Datenbank ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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Übrigens kannst du im Spiel insgesamt 541 Skillpunkte erhalten (9.0.5. Nekrom)!
  • Himmelsscherben: 175
  • Level: 64
  • DLC: 149
  • AvA Ränge: 50
  • Veteranenverliese: 0
  • Gruppenverliese: 24
  • Öffentliche Verliese: 16
  • Hauptgeschichte: 14
  • Quests (Alle Zonen): 49
Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.3.5

Sapping Blood Healer

  • Fähigkeiten / SkillsFähigkeiten / Skills
  • ChampionsystemChampionsystem
  • SetsSets
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  • Beschreibung anzeigenBeschreibung anzeigen
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Die Diebin - Erhöht Eure kritische Trefferchance um 1333 (Mit 7 Teilen Göttlich 2182)
0 / 541
0 / 3600
Patch 2.6.0
  • Klasse
    • Bitte Klasse oben auswählen.
  • Waffe
    • Zweihänder
    • Waffe mit Schild
    • Zwei Waffen
    • Bogen
    • Zerstörungsstab
    • Heilungsstab
  • Rüstung
    • Leichte Rüstung
    • Mittlere Rüstung
    • Schwere Rüstung
  • Offene Welt
    • Lug und Trug
    • Seelenmagie
    • Werwolf
    • Vampirismus
    • Spähen
    • Ausgrabung
  • Allianzkrieg
    • Sturmangriff
    • Kaiser
    • Unterstützung
  • Gilde
    • Diebesgilde
    • Dunkle Bruderschaft
    • Kriegergilde
    • Magiergilde
    • Unerschrockene
    • Psijik-Orden
  • Volk
    • Bitte Volk oben auswählen.
  • Handwerk
    • Alchemie
    • Schmiedekunst
    • Schneiderei
    • Schreinerei
    • Versorgen
    • Verzaubern
    • Schmuckhandwerk

Beschreibung dieser Skillung

1. Resource management is very very low and extremely easy in this build.
2. You can take off any of the non healing skills and slot in magelight to make your funnel health stronger.
3. Very high customization for current situation. Adapts quickly.

1. Low AoE, once again if this bothers you find a way to slot in twisting path or wall of elements, hell you can put both in at the expense of some resource management.
2. Requires you to be closer to the fight for the panic moments where you have to use soul siphon(and for sap essence), thankfully this isn't as bad as it is on other class healers as the dark shades mixed with the shadow barrier passive is very effective.
3. May be seen as a pro but this build REQUIRES (yes it needs caps) the use of heavy attacks and occasionally light attacks. I know some magicka playing people (non lightning staff users) are appalled at the idea of not spamming your force shocks and your frags but you have to get used to consistent dps while weaving in light attacks and knowing when to switch to heavy attacking.
4. My friend told me that this build would be to overwhelming because I "Have too many buffs and you are trying to do too much." I'm used to this because my main is a templar healer and this doesn't concern me personally but it may be a problem for others.

So how do you play this build effectively? Well the only thing that you must do during a fight is use your shadow image before activating sap essence and going in with lotus fan, afterwards you should go back to your shadow image instantly to keep yourself out of danger. This way you get major sorcery, you should not go back to your shadow image unless it is a boss fight or you notice you are getting hurt, being close with sap essence on heals your team so you WILL need to be close sometimes.

Those are the only majorly notable pros/cons, of course there may be others for some people but hey the build isn't for anyone.

Set suggestions? Honestly anything with crit. Both Combat Physician and Mother's Sorrow are great choices whether you want to use both or only one of them. You only really require one set with crit as critical healing with funnel health is very very dirty.

Monster masks are debatable, this build has some creative differences. For instance I would probably use either Nightflame or Troll King, but if you want a less supporting type monster mask you could easily use Illambris with a destro staff and replace refreshing path with either wall of elements or force shock(especially for those who have a problem with AoE).

Customize the build to your liking blah blah blah...

Just have fun.
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R

  • Geschick 0
  • Macht 0
  • Kraft 0

Magicka Magicka
  • 0
Leben Leben
  • 0
Ausdauer Ausdauer
  • 0

  • Kein Set ausgewählt

  • Es sind keine passiven Fähigkeiten vorhanden


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Kommentare (2)

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Melden    24.11.2016 - 19:10:46 | #2
UNSeki schriebI like your build very much and I just started to level an argonian character based in it. For now I'm using Twilight's Embrace and Ashen Grip and they seem to be going fine so far.
I use 4 Twilight's Embrace armor pieces and 3 Ashen grip, as for weapons I use 1 Twilight's Rest Staff and 2 Ashen Grip swords (for weapon critical + bonus flame damage).

It really does take a lot for me to run out of resources but the champion points and the light/heavy armor skills make them refill very fast too.

Finally, in Dungeons I kinda miss AoE damage but that's just because I havent got any area damage skill (I'm still lvl 10 right now lol). In general, I'm enjoying the playstyle very much. :)

Thanks, I'm really happy you like it. I'm happy that it gave somebody some sort of vision of what they might want to be at max. If you ever have questions I'd be happy to answer.
Melden    20.11.2016 - 14:03:04 | #1
I like your build very much and I just started to level an argonian character based in it. For now I'm using Twilight's Embrace and Ashen Grip and they seem to be going fine so far.
I use 4 Twilight's Embrace armor pieces and 3 Ashen grip, as for weapons I use 1 Twilight's Rest Staff and 2 Ashen Grip swords (for weapon critical + bonus flame damage).

It really does take a lot for me to run out of resources but the champion points and the light/heavy armor skills make them refill very fast too.

Finally, in Dungeons I kinda miss AoE damage but that's just because I havent got any area damage skill (I'm still lvl 10 right now lol). In general, I'm enjoying the playstyle very much. :)