Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.3.5
The Shadow




0 / 541
0 / 3600
Patch 2.7.11
- Klasse
- Bitte Klasse oben auswählen.
- Waffe
- Zweihänder
- Waffe mit Schild
- Zwei Waffen
- Bogen
- Zerstörungsstab
- Heilungsstab
- Rüstung
- Leichte Rüstung
- Mittlere Rüstung
- Schwere Rüstung
- Offene Welt
- Lug und Trug
- Seelenmagie
- Werwolf
- Vampirismus
- Spähen
- Ausgrabung
- Allianzkrieg
- Sturmangriff
- Kaiser
- Unterstützung
- Gilde
- Diebesgilde
- Dunkle Bruderschaft
- Kriegergilde
- Magiergilde
- Unerschrockene
- Psijik-Orden
- Volk
- Bitte Volk oben auswählen.
- Handwerk
- Alchemie
- Schmiedekunst
- Schneiderei
- Schreinerei
- Versorgen
- Verzaubern
- Schmuckhandwerk
Beschreibung dieser Skillung
Meet Lienanarth, my designated thief/assassin. She's more of a fun character than a hard-core group member. She's currently lv 17, so most of the skills are prospective and might change greatly.
The priority skills are the ones from Legerdemain, Thieves' Guild, and Dark Brotherhood, as well as stealth skills (e.g., Stealthy from Wood Elf Skills and Improved Sneak from Medium Armor). Other than that, the goal is to pack some decent magic damage, with enough self-heals (and group, if that's your thing) to stay alive.
A few points in stamina are necessary when most of your time is spent sneaking, and the rest is spent running. Yes, it limits magic damage a bit, but that's the nature of a hybrid for-fun character. Y'ffre's Endurance and to a lesser extent Resist Affliction from Wood Elf Skills are very helpful, because they allow you to make the most of a little stamina, instead of having to spend more attribute points on stamina. Plus, Siphoning comes with good sustain.
This is very hypothetical at this point, because Lienanarth is so young.
Item sets with 5 items: Ignore the movement speed bonus of sneak are absolutely critical. Night's Silence (crafted set, 2 traits, stamina focus) will work in a pinch, but Shadow Dancer's Raiment (overworld, Greenshade, magicka-focused) looks much more suitable. Three items from Night Terror (overworld, Stormhaven, stamina-focused) will reduce your detection radius and cost of sneak, so that seems like another good set to target. Not sure yet what else.
I am leaning toward 5 pieces of light armor to maximize magicka regen and spell damage, and 2 pieces of medium to get some bonuses to sneak radius and speed. If that puts too much of a limit on stealth, you could flip it and use 5 pieces of medium to really squeeze out the stealth boost. But then you'll lose out on the increased spell crit and spell penetration from light armor. The best choice will probably vary based on the situation, and definitely on personal preference.
Champion points
I do have some assigned, but I'm not going to fill out the trees right now.
Focus on The Shadow. The 120-point bonus is practically made for this character. Most points should go into Shade, with a handful in Tumbling (especially if you're like me and accidentally dodge roll all the time), and some in Shadow Ward (which can help when you're trying to run away from, for example, guards). Some points into Arcanist or Mooncalf might prove useful as well.
Focus on The Apprentice. Elemental Expert should probably get the bulk of the points, but Elfborn will be very useful since you will have good critical rating, and Blessed will give your heals a boost, which is always good. I also have 10 points in Master-At-Arms in The Atronach, mostly to get Retaliation. The later perks aren't as useful, so I wouldn't do much more on that tree.
Focus on The Lady. This is a fuzzy area for me, but I have the majority of my points split between Hardy and Elemental Defender (25 each), with 14 in Thick Skinned. Do what makes the most sense for you, but you probably want to end up with at least 75 in this tree to get the Critical Leech perk. Up to 30 points in The Steed will also help, probably focusing on Ironclad. Phase and Invigorating Bash are very nice perks. I would not recommend any points in The Lord, because this is more of a solo character, and that is a group-focused tree.
Meet Lienanarth, my designated thief/assassin. She's more of a fun character than a hard-core group member. She's currently lv 17, so most of the skills are prospective and might change greatly.
The priority skills are the ones from Legerdemain, Thieves' Guild, and Dark Brotherhood, as well as stealth skills (e.g., Stealthy from Wood Elf Skills and Improved Sneak from Medium Armor). Other than that, the goal is to pack some decent magic damage, with enough self-heals (and group, if that's your thing) to stay alive.
A few points in stamina are necessary when most of your time is spent sneaking, and the rest is spent running. Yes, it limits magic damage a bit, but that's the nature of a hybrid for-fun character. Y'ffre's Endurance and to a lesser extent Resist Affliction from Wood Elf Skills are very helpful, because they allow you to make the most of a little stamina, instead of having to spend more attribute points on stamina. Plus, Siphoning comes with good sustain.
This is very hypothetical at this point, because Lienanarth is so young.
Item sets with 5 items: Ignore the movement speed bonus of sneak are absolutely critical. Night's Silence (crafted set, 2 traits, stamina focus) will work in a pinch, but Shadow Dancer's Raiment (overworld, Greenshade, magicka-focused) looks much more suitable. Three items from Night Terror (overworld, Stormhaven, stamina-focused) will reduce your detection radius and cost of sneak, so that seems like another good set to target. Not sure yet what else.
I am leaning toward 5 pieces of light armor to maximize magicka regen and spell damage, and 2 pieces of medium to get some bonuses to sneak radius and speed. If that puts too much of a limit on stealth, you could flip it and use 5 pieces of medium to really squeeze out the stealth boost. But then you'll lose out on the increased spell crit and spell penetration from light armor. The best choice will probably vary based on the situation, and definitely on personal preference.
Champion points
I do have some assigned, but I'm not going to fill out the trees right now.
Focus on The Shadow. The 120-point bonus is practically made for this character. Most points should go into Shade, with a handful in Tumbling (especially if you're like me and accidentally dodge roll all the time), and some in Shadow Ward (which can help when you're trying to run away from, for example, guards). Some points into Arcanist or Mooncalf might prove useful as well.
Focus on The Apprentice. Elemental Expert should probably get the bulk of the points, but Elfborn will be very useful since you will have good critical rating, and Blessed will give your heals a boost, which is always good. I also have 10 points in Master-At-Arms in The Atronach, mostly to get Retaliation. The later perks aren't as useful, so I wouldn't do much more on that tree.
Focus on The Lady. This is a fuzzy area for me, but I have the majority of my points split between Hardy and Elemental Defender (25 each), with 14 in Thick Skinned. Do what makes the most sense for you, but you probably want to end up with at least 75 in this tree to get the Critical Leech perk. Up to 30 points in The Steed will also help, probably focusing on Ironclad. Phase and Invigorating Bash are very nice perks. I would not recommend any points in The Lord, because this is more of a solo character, and that is a group-focused tree.
Championrang: 0

- 0

- 0

- 0
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