Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.2.5




0 / 541
0 / 3600
Patch 7.0.9
- Klasse
- Bitte Klasse oben auswählen.
- Waffe
- Zweihänder
- Waffe mit Schild
- Zwei Waffen
- Bogen
- Zerstörungsstab
- Heilungsstab
- Rüstung
- Leichte Rüstung
- Mittlere Rüstung
- Schwere Rüstung
- Offene Welt
- Lug und Trug
- Seelenmagie
- Werwolf
- Vampirismus
- Spähen
- Ausgrabung
- Allianzkrieg
- Sturmangriff
- Kaiser
- Unterstützung
- Gilde
- Diebesgilde
- Dunkle Bruderschaft
- Kriegergilde
- Magiergilde
- Unerschrockene
- Psijik-Orden
- Volk
- Bitte Volk oben auswählen.
- Handwerk
- Alchemie
- Schmiedekunst
- Schneiderei
- Schreinerei
- Versorgen
- Verzaubern
- Schmuckhandwerk
Beschreibung dieser Skillung
What do we call this? Magcro? mag necro? magromancer?! Pick your poison, I’m sticking with Mag Necro, regardless of the term used to describe it, this class is INSANE!
This Magicka Necromancer build is built for HIGH single target DPS, great AOE dps and MASSIVE ultimate gain! This build is FUN, has great survival, has a full static rotation which never has to change, has solid sustain and is all round balanced for all PVE content.
Utlizing a rather fun set too making it themed on top of everything else adds to it’s overall appeal!
We do have a couple of pets in our arsenal but unlike the Sorcerer where the abilities have to be double barred in order to have 100% uptime on them, the Necromancer has fire and forget pets. We raise the dead, we use them , and then dump them again.
The corpse system is extremely useful for the necromancer. The Templar can syphon energy from dead bodies of course but the Necromancer is the master of all that is dead. We can consume Ultimate, heals, minions and even resurrect dead bodies/players.
This system DOES make the learning curve a little tricky but don’t worry, all you need to know is explained in detail in the video. The Necromancer can be fun if you are just smashing buttons, however if you have great situational awareness and understand how to take advantage of the bodies around you, then you can become VERY powerful. Also this is not just the bodies from players or enemies, you can physically consume the corpses of your raised pets to benefit you,
In this build consuming corpses is key! We have abilities that do damage over time, we have ground based aoes, we have ultimate regeneration, AND heals all from paying attention to what is dead and what is alive. Clever and planned useage of your corpse consuming skills can completely change the tide of any battle.
In this build you will have all of the above however, covered FOR you. The rotation alone takes full advantage of consuming corpses, setting up some well placed corpses with planned and timed skills to then utilize them when they are present!
As well as the corpse system, we have elements of all kinds in our damage including ice, fire, AND shock! Which makes the Magicka Necromancer the master of all magic!
And last but not least of course, we have an ultimate in the form of a massive flesh abomination which grants major vulnerability to your group. Meaning all players hit the targets affected by 30% more damage! The Necromancer is the only class in the game with this bonus. Play smart and you can be a massive asset to any group!
Key bonuses to the setup
High damage output in both single target AND AOE!
Fire and forget abilities/pets which do NOT require double baring of the same skills (unlike the sorcerer)
Incredible ultimate gain from our Necrotic Potency IF used correctly!
Major Vulnerability (10% damage done increase to target for EVERYONE) from our Colossus Ultimate
At execute range we have a passive which greatly improves our critical chance!
High use of class skills, making it feel like a totally unique setup/class/playstyle
High health bonus JUST for being a Necromancer!
The more you understand about the class, the more powerful you are if you have the ability to take advantage of the situation at the time, ESPECIALLY if there are many many BODIES!
This Magicka Necromancer build is built for HIGH single target DPS, great AOE dps and MASSIVE ultimate gain! This build is FUN, has great survival, has a full static rotation which never has to change, has solid sustain and is all round balanced for all PVE content.
Utlizing a rather fun set too making it themed on top of everything else adds to it’s overall appeal!
We do have a couple of pets in our arsenal but unlike the Sorcerer where the abilities have to be double barred in order to have 100% uptime on them, the Necromancer has fire and forget pets. We raise the dead, we use them , and then dump them again.
The corpse system is extremely useful for the necromancer. The Templar can syphon energy from dead bodies of course but the Necromancer is the master of all that is dead. We can consume Ultimate, heals, minions and even resurrect dead bodies/players.
This system DOES make the learning curve a little tricky but don’t worry, all you need to know is explained in detail in the video. The Necromancer can be fun if you are just smashing buttons, however if you have great situational awareness and understand how to take advantage of the bodies around you, then you can become VERY powerful. Also this is not just the bodies from players or enemies, you can physically consume the corpses of your raised pets to benefit you,
In this build consuming corpses is key! We have abilities that do damage over time, we have ground based aoes, we have ultimate regeneration, AND heals all from paying attention to what is dead and what is alive. Clever and planned useage of your corpse consuming skills can completely change the tide of any battle.
In this build you will have all of the above however, covered FOR you. The rotation alone takes full advantage of consuming corpses, setting up some well placed corpses with planned and timed skills to then utilize them when they are present!
As well as the corpse system, we have elements of all kinds in our damage including ice, fire, AND shock! Which makes the Magicka Necromancer the master of all magic!
And last but not least of course, we have an ultimate in the form of a massive flesh abomination which grants major vulnerability to your group. Meaning all players hit the targets affected by 30% more damage! The Necromancer is the only class in the game with this bonus. Play smart and you can be a massive asset to any group!
Key bonuses to the setup
High damage output in both single target AND AOE!
Fire and forget abilities/pets which do NOT require double baring of the same skills (unlike the sorcerer)
Incredible ultimate gain from our Necrotic Potency IF used correctly!
Major Vulnerability (10% damage done increase to target for EVERYONE) from our Colossus Ultimate
At execute range we have a passive which greatly improves our critical chance!
High use of class skills, making it feel like a totally unique setup/class/playstyle
High health bonus JUST for being a Necromancer!
The more you understand about the class, the more powerful you are if you have the ability to take advantage of the situation at the time, ESPECIALLY if there are many many BODIES!
Championrang: 0

- 0

- 0

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