Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.3.5
Alcast Powerful SOLO Magicka Templar Build PvE




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Patch 6.2.9
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Beschreibung dieser Skillung
Gear Setup 1 – Solo Magicka Templar
Monster Set: We are only using a one piece Monster Set because we have the Ring of the Pale Order Mythic item equiped. The reason we use Swarm Mother is simple, it provides us with extra stats for both Magicka and Stamina. It has a double bonus compared to most other one piece monster sets.
False God’s Devotion: False God’s Devotion is very powerful in both the imperfect and perfect version, I can highly recommend this set. You can farm it fairly easy in normal mode Sunspire.
No Maelstrom Staff? If you do not have a Maelstrom Staff, just use a Mother’s Sorrow staff instead.
Ring of the Pale Order: The Mythic item Ring of the Pale Order provides us with a lot of extra passive healing as long as we deal damage.
No Ring of the Pale Order? You can also keep using 2x Iceheart like before.
Gear Set Weight Trait Enchantment
Chest False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Belt False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Shoes False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Pants False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Hands False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Head Swarm Mother Light Divine Health
Shoulder Mother’s Sorrow Light Divine Magicka
Necklace Mother’s Sorrow Jewelry Arcane (or Bloodthirsty) Spell Damage
Ring Mother’s Sorrow Jewelry Arcane (or Bloodthirsty) Spell Damage
Ring Ring of the Pale Order Jewelry Bloodthirsty Spell Damage
Weapon 1 Mother’s Sorrow Shock Precise Absorb Magicka Enchant
Weapon 2 Crushing Wall Shock Infused Weapon Damage Enchant
Where can I get the gear?
False God’s Devotion: Sunspire
Perfected False God’s Devotion: vet Sunspire
Ring of the Pale Order Antiquities
Mother’s Sorrow: Deshaan Overland, Guildtrader
Julianos: Craftable
Swarm Mother: vSpindleclutch 1
Iceheart: Head: Direfrost Keep, Shoulder: Glirion Undaunted Chest
Magnus’ Gift: Craftable in Rivenspire, Greenshade, Shadowfen
Crushing Wall: Maelstrom Arena
Perfected Crushing Wall: vet Maelstrom Arena
IMPORTANT: You can get a Shock Mother’s Sorrow Staff by doing a simple quest, that way you earn the staff! You will receive the “Argonian Muck Minder of Mother’s Sorrow” from the Quest in Silent Mire, Deshaan.
Skill explanation:
Blazing Spear: Strong Area of Effect damage.
Consuming Trap: Only apply this to small enemies, when they die you will regain a huge amount of resources.
Puncturing Sweeps: Your main spammable and heal, by dealing damage you also get a lot of healing, making you almost invulnerable. If you ever drop low on health make sure to activate this skill.
Harness Magicka: Can be used as a shield to bolster incoming damage.
Inner Light: Increases your max Magicka and also provides you with Major Prophecy, increasing your Spell Critical. This skill is never used, it is just passively slotted.
Destro Ultimate: Your main ultimate, deals a lot of area of effect and single target damage.
Unstable Wall of Elements: Strong area of effect damage with a powerful explosion at the end.
Mystic Orb: Powerful Area of Effect damage.
Elemental Drain: Apply this on big monsters and bosses, increases sustain and damage.
Solar Barrage: AoE damage and boosts your light attack damage too
Channeled Focus: Increases your resistances and sustain by a lot.
Crescent Sweep: Only use this if you can not get the Destro Ultimate in time anymore.
Important Info for Solo Magicka Templar Build PvE
Gear Setup 1: Tri-Stat Buff Food
You can both of these buff foods in the store, Bewitched Sugar Skulls is more expensive than the Longfin Pasty, but both provide similar stats that we need.
Bewitched Sugar Skulls
(Max Health, Max Magicka, Max Stamina)
bewitched sugar skills food
Longfin Pasty with Melon Sauce
(Max Health, Max Magicka, Max Stamina)
Food buff
Mundus Stone
The extra spell penetration that we get from the Lover Mundus Stone will increase our damage by a huge margin.
The Lover Mundus (Increased Spell Penetration)
All Magicka based races work with this setup. More about each race can be found on the racial overview page.
High Elf
Dark Elf
Spell Power Potions will give you the best damage output. They are very expensive though, therefore for less difficult content you can also use the normal Essence of Magicka potions.
Spell-Power Potions
(Spell-crit, Spell Damage, Magicka)
(Cornflower, Ladys Smock, Water Hyacinth)
Essence of Spell Power Potion ESO
Essence of Magicka Potion
(Bought in Guild Stores, fairly cheap)
Essence of Magicka MAG Potion
Important: Make sure to get alchemy to level 50 to unlock the Medicinal Use passive. That way you can keep up the buffs of potions a 100% of the time.
Aedric Spear: Piercing Spear, Spear Wall, Burning Light, Balanced Warrior
Dawn’s Wrath: Enduring Rays, Prism, Illuminate, Restoring Spirit
Restoring Light: Mending, Sacred Ground, Light Weaver, Master Ritualist
Destruction Staff: Tri Focus, Penetrating Magic, Elemental Force, Ancient Knowledge, Destruction Expert
Light Armor: Grace, Evocation, Spell Warding, Prodigy, Concentration
Undaunted: Undaunted Command, Undaunted Mettle
Racial: All
Alchemy: Medicinal Use
All into Magicka. I recommend getting around 18-20k Health.
64 Magicka, 0 Health, 0 Stamina
Resource Management
Resource management with a solo build is slightly different compared to a group setup because you can’t really rely on your healer to give you resources. Now that does not really matter because we have other means of restoring resources. Your main tool of restoring resources is your heavy attacks, the heavy attacks take a long time to charge up, but they will restore a lot of resources. You can also use your potions on cooldown that will return a lot of extra resources. Elemental Drain is a key ability to increase your sustain and damage in a fight, make sure to keep it up all the times! And the last tool you have access to is Channeled Focus, this skill gives you resistances and also a huge boost in terms of sustain.
Heavy Attacks
Elemental Drain
Channeled Focus
If you want to learn more about weaving light attacks, you can check out this guide: “Weaving Beginner Guide”.
Your main heal comes from Puncturing Sweeps, you have to remember when you aren’t using this skill, you won’t get any heals.
Harness Magicka is your shield, use it often to bolster your health.
Channeled Focus provides you with extra resistance and sustain, always keep it up.
Elemental Drain has to be applied to the big targets and bosses. It increases your damage and sustain.
Consuming Trap: Only use and apply this to small enemies, when they die you will regain a huge amount of resources.
Once all that is taken care of, you can use your DoTs to apply more pressure: Blazing Spear, Mystic Orb, Unstable Wall of Elements and Solar Barrage.
And now you can use your spammable Puncturing Sweeps to deal even more consistent damage.
Bad Habits
The number one reason players die is when they are too busy reapplying their damage over time effects and forget to use Puncturing Sweeps, because this ability is your main heal. You can always activate Harness Magicka to bolster damage when you drop low, by the time your shield is gone, you will be healed back up to max health. Also make sure to block heavy attacks or dodge roll them as they do a lot of damage.
Ring of the Pale Order will take care of a lot of healing, but remember, the ring only heals you when you deal damage.
Iceheart (if you use it) often helps to soften the blow on your health in case you forget to use healing abilities. While Iceheart is active and you use healing abilities, you will almost always get back to full health!
A lot of players usually do run around with too little health, I would at least recommend having between 18-20k health. That way you are safe even if you are doing some mistakes!
Monster Set: We are only using a one piece Monster Set because we have the Ring of the Pale Order Mythic item equiped. The reason we use Swarm Mother is simple, it provides us with extra stats for both Magicka and Stamina. It has a double bonus compared to most other one piece monster sets.
False God’s Devotion: False God’s Devotion is very powerful in both the imperfect and perfect version, I can highly recommend this set. You can farm it fairly easy in normal mode Sunspire.
No Maelstrom Staff? If you do not have a Maelstrom Staff, just use a Mother’s Sorrow staff instead.
Ring of the Pale Order: The Mythic item Ring of the Pale Order provides us with a lot of extra passive healing as long as we deal damage.
No Ring of the Pale Order? You can also keep using 2x Iceheart like before.
Gear Set Weight Trait Enchantment
Chest False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Belt False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Shoes False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Pants False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Hands False God’s Devotion Light Divine Magicka
Head Swarm Mother Light Divine Health
Shoulder Mother’s Sorrow Light Divine Magicka
Necklace Mother’s Sorrow Jewelry Arcane (or Bloodthirsty) Spell Damage
Ring Mother’s Sorrow Jewelry Arcane (or Bloodthirsty) Spell Damage
Ring Ring of the Pale Order Jewelry Bloodthirsty Spell Damage
Weapon 1 Mother’s Sorrow Shock Precise Absorb Magicka Enchant
Weapon 2 Crushing Wall Shock Infused Weapon Damage Enchant
Where can I get the gear?
False God’s Devotion: Sunspire
Perfected False God’s Devotion: vet Sunspire
Ring of the Pale Order Antiquities
Mother’s Sorrow: Deshaan Overland, Guildtrader
Julianos: Craftable
Swarm Mother: vSpindleclutch 1
Iceheart: Head: Direfrost Keep, Shoulder: Glirion Undaunted Chest
Magnus’ Gift: Craftable in Rivenspire, Greenshade, Shadowfen
Crushing Wall: Maelstrom Arena
Perfected Crushing Wall: vet Maelstrom Arena
IMPORTANT: You can get a Shock Mother’s Sorrow Staff by doing a simple quest, that way you earn the staff! You will receive the “Argonian Muck Minder of Mother’s Sorrow” from the Quest in Silent Mire, Deshaan.
Skill explanation:
Blazing Spear: Strong Area of Effect damage.
Consuming Trap: Only apply this to small enemies, when they die you will regain a huge amount of resources.
Puncturing Sweeps: Your main spammable and heal, by dealing damage you also get a lot of healing, making you almost invulnerable. If you ever drop low on health make sure to activate this skill.
Harness Magicka: Can be used as a shield to bolster incoming damage.
Inner Light: Increases your max Magicka and also provides you with Major Prophecy, increasing your Spell Critical. This skill is never used, it is just passively slotted.
Destro Ultimate: Your main ultimate, deals a lot of area of effect and single target damage.
Unstable Wall of Elements: Strong area of effect damage with a powerful explosion at the end.
Mystic Orb: Powerful Area of Effect damage.
Elemental Drain: Apply this on big monsters and bosses, increases sustain and damage.
Solar Barrage: AoE damage and boosts your light attack damage too
Channeled Focus: Increases your resistances and sustain by a lot.
Crescent Sweep: Only use this if you can not get the Destro Ultimate in time anymore.
Important Info for Solo Magicka Templar Build PvE
Gear Setup 1: Tri-Stat Buff Food
You can both of these buff foods in the store, Bewitched Sugar Skulls is more expensive than the Longfin Pasty, but both provide similar stats that we need.
Bewitched Sugar Skulls
(Max Health, Max Magicka, Max Stamina)
bewitched sugar skills food
Longfin Pasty with Melon Sauce
(Max Health, Max Magicka, Max Stamina)
Food buff
Mundus Stone
The extra spell penetration that we get from the Lover Mundus Stone will increase our damage by a huge margin.
The Lover Mundus (Increased Spell Penetration)
All Magicka based races work with this setup. More about each race can be found on the racial overview page.
High Elf
Dark Elf
Spell Power Potions will give you the best damage output. They are very expensive though, therefore for less difficult content you can also use the normal Essence of Magicka potions.
Spell-Power Potions
(Spell-crit, Spell Damage, Magicka)
(Cornflower, Ladys Smock, Water Hyacinth)
Essence of Spell Power Potion ESO
Essence of Magicka Potion
(Bought in Guild Stores, fairly cheap)
Essence of Magicka MAG Potion
Important: Make sure to get alchemy to level 50 to unlock the Medicinal Use passive. That way you can keep up the buffs of potions a 100% of the time.
Aedric Spear: Piercing Spear, Spear Wall, Burning Light, Balanced Warrior
Dawn’s Wrath: Enduring Rays, Prism, Illuminate, Restoring Spirit
Restoring Light: Mending, Sacred Ground, Light Weaver, Master Ritualist
Destruction Staff: Tri Focus, Penetrating Magic, Elemental Force, Ancient Knowledge, Destruction Expert
Light Armor: Grace, Evocation, Spell Warding, Prodigy, Concentration
Undaunted: Undaunted Command, Undaunted Mettle
Racial: All
Alchemy: Medicinal Use
All into Magicka. I recommend getting around 18-20k Health.
64 Magicka, 0 Health, 0 Stamina
Resource Management
Resource management with a solo build is slightly different compared to a group setup because you can’t really rely on your healer to give you resources. Now that does not really matter because we have other means of restoring resources. Your main tool of restoring resources is your heavy attacks, the heavy attacks take a long time to charge up, but they will restore a lot of resources. You can also use your potions on cooldown that will return a lot of extra resources. Elemental Drain is a key ability to increase your sustain and damage in a fight, make sure to keep it up all the times! And the last tool you have access to is Channeled Focus, this skill gives you resistances and also a huge boost in terms of sustain.
Heavy Attacks
Elemental Drain
Channeled Focus
If you want to learn more about weaving light attacks, you can check out this guide: “Weaving Beginner Guide”.
Your main heal comes from Puncturing Sweeps, you have to remember when you aren’t using this skill, you won’t get any heals.
Harness Magicka is your shield, use it often to bolster your health.
Channeled Focus provides you with extra resistance and sustain, always keep it up.
Elemental Drain has to be applied to the big targets and bosses. It increases your damage and sustain.
Consuming Trap: Only use and apply this to small enemies, when they die you will regain a huge amount of resources.
Once all that is taken care of, you can use your DoTs to apply more pressure: Blazing Spear, Mystic Orb, Unstable Wall of Elements and Solar Barrage.
And now you can use your spammable Puncturing Sweeps to deal even more consistent damage.
Bad Habits
The number one reason players die is when they are too busy reapplying their damage over time effects and forget to use Puncturing Sweeps, because this ability is your main heal. You can always activate Harness Magicka to bolster damage when you drop low, by the time your shield is gone, you will be healed back up to max health. Also make sure to block heavy attacks or dodge roll them as they do a lot of damage.
Ring of the Pale Order will take care of a lot of healing, but remember, the ring only heals you when you deal damage.
Iceheart (if you use it) often helps to soften the blow on your health in case you forget to use healing abilities. While Iceheart is active and you use healing abilities, you will almost always get back to full health!
A lot of players usually do run around with too little health, I would at least recommend having between 18-20k health. That way you are safe even if you are doing some mistakes!
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