ESO-Skillwerkstatt ESO-Datenbank ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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Übrigens kannst du im Spiel insgesamt 541 Skillpunkte erhalten (9.0.5. Nekrom)!
  • Himmelsscherben: 175
  • Level: 64
  • DLC: 149
  • AvA Ränge: 50
  • Veteranenverliese: 0
  • Gruppenverliese: 24
  • Öffentliche Verliese: 16
  • Hauptgeschichte: 14
  • Quests (Alle Zonen): 49
Der Skillplaner ist auf dem Stand von Patch 10.2.5


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  • ChampionsystemChampionsystem
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Die Diebin - Erhöht Eure kritische Trefferchance um 1333 (Mit 7 Teilen Göttlich 2182)
0 / 541
0 / 3600
Patch 7.2.5
  • Klasse
    • Bitte Klasse oben auswählen.
  • Waffe
    • Zweihänder
    • Waffe mit Schild
    • Zwei Waffen
    • Bogen
    • Zerstörungsstab
    • Heilungsstab
  • Rüstung
    • Leichte Rüstung
    • Mittlere Rüstung
    • Schwere Rüstung
  • Offene Welt
    • Lug und Trug
    • Seelenmagie
    • Werwolf
    • Vampirismus
    • Spähen
    • Ausgrabung
  • Allianzkrieg
    • Sturmangriff
    • Kaiser
    • Unterstützung
  • Gilde
    • Diebesgilde
    • Dunkle Bruderschaft
    • Kriegergilde
    • Magiergilde
    • Unerschrockene
    • Psijik-Orden
  • Volk
    • Bitte Volk oben auswählen.
  • Handwerk
    • Alchemie
    • Schmiedekunst
    • Schneiderei
    • Schreinerei
    • Versorgen
    • Verzaubern
    • Schmuckhandwerk

Beschreibung dieser Skillung
It has been a very long time since I updated a stam sorc build but I think the wait was worth it!

Instead of following the traditional “dual wield and bow” target skeleton smasher, I have opted for a more unique playstyle.

In Scalebreaker a lot of the combat basics were changed following an audit for combat by ZOS. This meant that single target damage over time was enhanced while flat AOE was reduced. The reason for this was a choice in flavor.

If you wanted to spec for single target damage, then you could, but if you wanted to spec for more AOE then you would have to specifically build for it to benefit from the playstyle rather than just get it for free from the obvious “volley and caltrops” combo.

With that in mind, and all the target dummy hitters out there trying to hit as high as they can single target and nothing else considered…who is bringing the AOE? Well with this build WE ARE!

We have more than respectable single target damage combined with HUGE AOE. Literally, every single target that receives damage over time from us actually works as an aoe bomb!

Our morphs were chosen specifically (skill morphs) to be able to accommodate for the playstyle and consider multiple adds and AOE based situations. Which to be honest there are MANY of them. Especially in most hard modes/trials/dungeons.

As a sorcerer, we have limited spammables but for once that works. Our two main spammables are for two situations. Wrecking blow for single target, and carve for aoe. And that is the only thing we have to worry about. The rest of the time, it is a case of keeping up a fully sustainable static rotation.

In one of our passive skills, we are utilizing we gain flat stats and light attack damage, alongside out every light attack after wrecking blow being boosted. So we must be sure to weave light attacks in our rotations to benefit from these bonuses. not to mention of course our light attacks AND heavy attacks deal splash damage (aoe) so we do even more damage to multiple targets rather than focusing on one.

We are utilizing multiple ground/aoe based damage over time effects to stack as many dots on surrounding enemies as possible so that our set (Azureblight) actually builds up fast! PER ADD! (20x dot ticks = explosion per target in aoe). Basically, all of our passives trade off of each other, and the more we keep our rotation up, the more dots are running in aoe and the more explosions per add we manage to execute. With update 32 and the Deadlands DLC Azureblight Reaper is so much STRONGER because ALL proc sets based on spell and weapon damage can now CRIT! And here is where it gets really good. Each add with 20stacks blow up in aoe, which means each one can HURT surrounding targets. Since each add can carry its own bomb, it is by default that we get MORE damage PER target, the more adds there are because they all bounce off each other…Domino effect (explained and demonstrated in the video.

One of our major dots is actually hurricane, which is a resist buff. So for protecting ourselves, and doing damage at the same time, we rack upticks to make explosions happen. It is effortless! Essentially on this build all we need to do is keep our dots up and spam one ability 5 times and then repeat. The dots will make the enemies go pop and the spammable will do the rest. We also have an ultimate that has a major berserk synergy (25% increased damage) for a group member.

Finally, not only is our spammable (carve for AOE) AOE with an AOE bleed, our hurricane AOE, our other ground-based and multiple target skills AOE…but our EXECUTE hits all targets within range for 78% of the damage done to the initial target. This build is a room clearer!!

Key bonuses to the setup

High damage output in both single target and ESPECIALLY AOE!

Fire and forget abilities. Basically, fire DOTS, spam a bit and then reapply again.

An ultimate that buffs the group (atronach has major berserk synergy).

Higher damage output for higher health target causing a great burst in AOE.

Keeping the dots up stacks upticks on each target. 20x ticks make them explode! Domino effect!

Fast-moving high sustain setup with MASSIVE aoe potential, just be sure your tank is on point with the pulls.
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  • 1
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  • Geschick 0
  • Macht 0
  • Kraft 0

Magicka Magicka
  • 0
Leben Leben
  • 0
Ausdauer Ausdauer
  • 0

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  • Es sind keine passiven Fähigkeiten vorhanden


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