Build Planer is on Patchlevel 10.3.5
Golnebo Master of Allround DK




Skill points
0 / 541
Champion points
0 / 3600
Patch level
Patch 2.7.11
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- Two Handed
- One Hand and Shield
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- Heavy Armor
- World
- Legerdemain
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- Alliance War
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- Craft
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- Jewelcrafting
Build description
Based on this build:
Allround DK. Very fun to play. Can achieve great heights.
|Head..........|Grothdarr Visage.....|Divines.......|Magicka.........|Heavy.....|
|Shoulders.|Grothdarr Arm.........|Divines.......|Magicka.........|Medium..|
|Chest........|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Waist........|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Gloves......|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Breeches..|Breeches of the Sun.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Shoes........|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Neck..........|Necklace of the Sun.|Arcane........|Spell DMG......|...............|
|Ring 1........|Ring of the Sun.........|Arcane........|Spell DMG......|...............|
|Ring 2........|Ring of the Sun.........|Arcane........|Spell DMG......|...............|
|H1 Staff.....|Infer staff of the Sun|Sharpened.|Weapon DMG|Inferno..|
|H2 Staff.....|Burning SpellW Staff|Sharpened.|Weapon DMG|Inferno..|
Max Health Inc + Max Magicka Inc
Spell Power + Mag regen
AoE/ Trash: Buff up by using Molten Armaments. If you have time, full heavy attack the biggest trash mob just to get the fight started. Make sure at least one mob has Elemental Drain debuff on them at all times, preferably all the larger mobs in the pack. Cast Eruption in the middle, then Draw Essence into the pack and got to town with Burning Talons, recasting Draw Essence whenever the second explosion goes off (roughly after 1 to 2 Talon casts). If it’s a particularly beefy trash pull make sure to switch to your main bar to place Engulfing Flames on the trash at least, and Unstable Wall of Elements for an even greater damage boost. I only recommend this if you’re not hurting, though. Stay on your off bar and spam Draw Essence if you’re in trouble. There will rarely ever be a trash pull more complicated than a simple stack and burn, however.
Single Target/ Boss: This is where the feared reputation of a magicka DK comes in. The general idea is simply to refresh all our DoT’s, buffs and debuffs on cooldown, and weave Molten Whip with medium attacks in the process.
(Key: Molten Whip = MW, Elemental Blockade = EB, Burning Embers = BE, Engulfing Flames = EF, Flames of Oblivion = FoO, Eruption = Eru, Elemental Drain = ED, Molten Armaments = MA, Medium Attack = Med, Full Heavy Attack = Full)
Cycle 1: EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med Cycle 2: FoO, Med, EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med Cycle 3: (Bar Swap) ED, Med, Eru, (Bar Swap) EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med Cycle 4: (Bar Swap) MA, Med, ED, Med, Eru, (Bar Swap) FoO, Med, EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med
There’s a lot of pre-cooldown refreshing with these cycles, so it’s more of a starting point. You want to get to the point of naturally weaving any skill that’s about to expire instead of your Molten Whip when you need to. I’d recommend a cooldown tracking add-on like Srendarr for this. That being said, thee rotation with the cycles above is as follows:
MA, Full, ED, Med, Eru, (Bar Swap) : FoO, Med, EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med : (MW, Med) x 5~6, Cycle 3 : (MW, Med) x 4~5, Cycle 2 : (MW, Med) x 5~6, Cycle 1 : (MW, Med) x 4~5, Cycle 4 : (MW, Med) x 5~6, Cycle 1 : (MW, Med) x 4~5, Cycle 2 :Repeat Steps 3-8 until dead :D
If at any point during the fight you start hurting, don’t forget you can cash in you Burning Embers heal at anytime by recasting it; with this much of a boost to its damage it could very well heal you from zero to full by itself. If it’ll save the run, it’s worth breaking rotation. When a few larger mobs spawn during a fight, continue the rotation exactly as you left it from that boss; if it’s a large trash pack, break entirely and use your AoE setup. It’s a good idea to begin single-target rotation from the start afterward, if you’re unsure of where your cooldowns are at.
Based on this build:
Allround DK. Very fun to play. Can achieve great heights.
|Head..........|Grothdarr Visage.....|Divines.......|Magicka.........|Heavy.....|
|Shoulders.|Grothdarr Arm.........|Divines.......|Magicka.........|Medium..|
|Chest........|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Waist........|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Gloves......|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Breeches..|Breeches of the Sun.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Shoes........|Burning SpellWeave.|Divines.......|Magicka..........|Light......|
|Neck..........|Necklace of the Sun.|Arcane........|Spell DMG......|...............|
|Ring 1........|Ring of the Sun.........|Arcane........|Spell DMG......|...............|
|Ring 2........|Ring of the Sun.........|Arcane........|Spell DMG......|...............|
|H1 Staff.....|Infer staff of the Sun|Sharpened.|Weapon DMG|Inferno..|
|H2 Staff.....|Burning SpellW Staff|Sharpened.|Weapon DMG|Inferno..|
Max Health Inc + Max Magicka Inc
Spell Power + Mag regen
AoE/ Trash: Buff up by using Molten Armaments. If you have time, full heavy attack the biggest trash mob just to get the fight started. Make sure at least one mob has Elemental Drain debuff on them at all times, preferably all the larger mobs in the pack. Cast Eruption in the middle, then Draw Essence into the pack and got to town with Burning Talons, recasting Draw Essence whenever the second explosion goes off (roughly after 1 to 2 Talon casts). If it’s a particularly beefy trash pull make sure to switch to your main bar to place Engulfing Flames on the trash at least, and Unstable Wall of Elements for an even greater damage boost. I only recommend this if you’re not hurting, though. Stay on your off bar and spam Draw Essence if you’re in trouble. There will rarely ever be a trash pull more complicated than a simple stack and burn, however.
Single Target/ Boss: This is where the feared reputation of a magicka DK comes in. The general idea is simply to refresh all our DoT’s, buffs and debuffs on cooldown, and weave Molten Whip with medium attacks in the process.
(Key: Molten Whip = MW, Elemental Blockade = EB, Burning Embers = BE, Engulfing Flames = EF, Flames of Oblivion = FoO, Eruption = Eru, Elemental Drain = ED, Molten Armaments = MA, Medium Attack = Med, Full Heavy Attack = Full)
Cycle 1: EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med Cycle 2: FoO, Med, EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med Cycle 3: (Bar Swap) ED, Med, Eru, (Bar Swap) EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med Cycle 4: (Bar Swap) MA, Med, ED, Med, Eru, (Bar Swap) FoO, Med, EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med
There’s a lot of pre-cooldown refreshing with these cycles, so it’s more of a starting point. You want to get to the point of naturally weaving any skill that’s about to expire instead of your Molten Whip when you need to. I’d recommend a cooldown tracking add-on like Srendarr for this. That being said, thee rotation with the cycles above is as follows:
MA, Full, ED, Med, Eru, (Bar Swap) : FoO, Med, EF, Med, BE, Med, EB, Med : (MW, Med) x 5~6, Cycle 3 : (MW, Med) x 4~5, Cycle 2 : (MW, Med) x 5~6, Cycle 1 : (MW, Med) x 4~5, Cycle 4 : (MW, Med) x 5~6, Cycle 1 : (MW, Med) x 4~5, Cycle 2 :Repeat Steps 3-8 until dead :D
If at any point during the fight you start hurting, don’t forget you can cash in you Burning Embers heal at anytime by recasting it; with this much of a boost to its damage it could very well heal you from zero to full by itself. If it’ll save the run, it’s worth breaking rotation. When a few larger mobs spawn during a fight, continue the rotation exactly as you left it from that boss; if it’s a large trash pack, break entirely and use your AoE setup. It’s a good idea to begin single-target rotation from the start afterward, if you’re unsure of where your cooldowns are at.
Action Bars
Champion Rank: 0

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Passive Abilities
- No passive abilities selected

- Hold down the shift key to unlock the next rank.
Set parts
Here you can find the overview of the set parts that are suggested for this build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main hand
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main hand
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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