Build Planer is on Patchlevel 10.2.5




Skill points
0 / 541
Champion points
0 / 3600
Patch level
Patch 7.1.6
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Build description
The Magicka Nightblade known as ‘Flawless’ for the Elder Scrolls Online is finally here updated as Flawless ISH !!!
I waited a LONG time to release this build originally and it was definitely worth the wait, but with the new champion point 2.0 system this got altered a LITTLE. BUT now does have a couple more options to still maintain that extremely high crit chance IF you want it. So with technicalities, it still lives up to its name!
So, how does it work and how is it designed? There are many “crit builds” out there that are not REALLY “crit builds”. They just tend to have SOME crit and rely on chance slapping enemies all day and having varied results because of the inconsistency of the stats. Sure it “works” but also open to lots of fluctuation.
ZOS Noticed how easy it was to stack into critical damage bonuses and critical chance bonuses without really designing a build specifically for it, and decided that simply having one trait and a mundus stone with not a single crit chance bonus in your sets, was WAY too easy to achieve, deleting balance/choice/options from even being a thing. It’s the base design of the game after all right?
Of course, they decided to make crit chance more of a “build for it, or don’t” scenario. Now if you want SOME crit chance, well that is just fine, but if you want a specific crit playstyle, you have to build for it… Well, with that in mind, that’s EXACTLY what we have here! Even more so after this FIRST release of the build (Markarth DLC) now in the new DLC (flames of ambition) the reduced crit even MORE! Making this particular build design EXTREMELY relevant! And WAY ahead of the patch before it even got here! 😉
This is a PURE CRITICAL CHANCE build! Or for want of a better term, CONTROL of your build making that “chance” actually consistent rather than random!
All you need is a minor prophecy buff from one Sorcerer in the group using a dark magic ability once every 20 seconds (surprise yes, group composition was considered 😉 ). If you have this, you will have an easy push to around 90% critical chance on your front bar ALL of the time with one setup, 95% with another, I can show you how to actually get 101% (although no point) if you really want to AND I can show you how to GUARANTEE 100% critical chance on the front bar every second rotation without fail taking full advantage of burst opportunities with your main ultimate!
This means it lives up to its name ‘Flawless’ because, although before the build was literally 99.9% crit all the time, now there are ways to still FULLY control it for burst and/or consistency…but since it is a matter of choice… let’s add the ISH to the end for giggles!
MOST “crit builds” have about 60 -70% crit chance. Sure their base may be higher so they can crit harder IF they crit, but they crit much less often than us and open up to literally RNG controlling their ability to have a good and bad day.
The way this build is designed, we have options to almost guaranteed control over our damage numbers for MUCH more accurate and consistent results! If you are experienced there will only be about 2-3k fluctuation in your overall results vs some other setups which literally rely on a “good day” and the difference can be as much as 10k+
Most critical builds like to pack heavy into critical damage, but again we have the same problem. You COULD fail…we will RARELY fail to crit at all and with some setups will never fail on the front bar depending on your choices. Or with another choice will always have that critical burst phase.
This means our critical DAMAGE passives/skills/bonuses are no longer chance-based for the most part, instead they are literally constant passive bonuses, staying with us on our main damage bar at all times!
We have multiple sources of critical damage that all stack together to give us big bonuses to damage WHEN we crit (which is always).
Usually, if you spec for critical chance but don’t reach 90-100% you will open yourself up for failure while having low flat.
Of course, flat stats do increase the base of your abilities but when they crit they are higher right? Yes but if you fail then…it’s a waste. We sacrifice a bit of flat but we plug the gap with multiple HIGH critical damage buffs/bonuses. Usually, that would be open to chance, but since it is not… our critical damage IS our “flat” almost all of the time!
So now you can enjoy hardly ever failing a critical execute stab, failing your ground dots, failing your light attacks, heavy attacks or spammables, and even your ultimate. So long as you do not hover on the back bar!
Your back bar has 2 dots, that’s it! (unless you alter). Stay on that front bar as much as you possibly can!
The back bar has HIGH (very high) crit chance, but your front bar is where it all happens.
Not only this but we have stupidly high ultimate regen so long as we get kills. We have guaranteed critical hits with our execute. Get to killing! and spam those ultimates!!
Important notes:
HUGE critical chance on the front bar, making the damage you can apply extremely consistent with a good rotation (yes practice is still key to any build).
Critical damage bonus from racial passives, class passives, skill (Merciless Resolve), minor force (set), champion points, all stacking, not to mention what you can get from warhorns and minor brittle!
Your critical damage is non longer tied to CHANCE as much as most builds we have multiple options which allow us to control it, it’s our PASSIVE!
Extremely easy to follow rotation taking full advantage of passives with a 100% static rotation that NEVER changes apart from execute which gets even easier!
Great for beginners AND experts!
Capable of ALL PVE content (yes that means the hard stuff too!!)
NO TRIAL GEAR in ANY variation of the build ever required!!!
VERY high ultimate regen with 10 ultimate per kill IF you slot a particular version of the front bar ultimate (explained in the video).
And finally…pretty much everything we do heals us! And due to the control of crits…it is VERY consistent!
The Magicka Nightblade known as ‘Flawless’ for the Elder Scrolls Online is finally here updated as Flawless ISH !!!
I waited a LONG time to release this build originally and it was definitely worth the wait, but with the new champion point 2.0 system this got altered a LITTLE. BUT now does have a couple more options to still maintain that extremely high crit chance IF you want it. So with technicalities, it still lives up to its name!
So, how does it work and how is it designed? There are many “crit builds” out there that are not REALLY “crit builds”. They just tend to have SOME crit and rely on chance slapping enemies all day and having varied results because of the inconsistency of the stats. Sure it “works” but also open to lots of fluctuation.
ZOS Noticed how easy it was to stack into critical damage bonuses and critical chance bonuses without really designing a build specifically for it, and decided that simply having one trait and a mundus stone with not a single crit chance bonus in your sets, was WAY too easy to achieve, deleting balance/choice/options from even being a thing. It’s the base design of the game after all right?
Of course, they decided to make crit chance more of a “build for it, or don’t” scenario. Now if you want SOME crit chance, well that is just fine, but if you want a specific crit playstyle, you have to build for it… Well, with that in mind, that’s EXACTLY what we have here! Even more so after this FIRST release of the build (Markarth DLC) now in the new DLC (flames of ambition) the reduced crit even MORE! Making this particular build design EXTREMELY relevant! And WAY ahead of the patch before it even got here! 😉
This is a PURE CRITICAL CHANCE build! Or for want of a better term, CONTROL of your build making that “chance” actually consistent rather than random!
All you need is a minor prophecy buff from one Sorcerer in the group using a dark magic ability once every 20 seconds (surprise yes, group composition was considered 😉 ). If you have this, you will have an easy push to around 90% critical chance on your front bar ALL of the time with one setup, 95% with another, I can show you how to actually get 101% (although no point) if you really want to AND I can show you how to GUARANTEE 100% critical chance on the front bar every second rotation without fail taking full advantage of burst opportunities with your main ultimate!
This means it lives up to its name ‘Flawless’ because, although before the build was literally 99.9% crit all the time, now there are ways to still FULLY control it for burst and/or consistency…but since it is a matter of choice… let’s add the ISH to the end for giggles!
MOST “crit builds” have about 60 -70% crit chance. Sure their base may be higher so they can crit harder IF they crit, but they crit much less often than us and open up to literally RNG controlling their ability to have a good and bad day.
The way this build is designed, we have options to almost guaranteed control over our damage numbers for MUCH more accurate and consistent results! If you are experienced there will only be about 2-3k fluctuation in your overall results vs some other setups which literally rely on a “good day” and the difference can be as much as 10k+
Most critical builds like to pack heavy into critical damage, but again we have the same problem. You COULD fail…we will RARELY fail to crit at all and with some setups will never fail on the front bar depending on your choices. Or with another choice will always have that critical burst phase.
This means our critical DAMAGE passives/skills/bonuses are no longer chance-based for the most part, instead they are literally constant passive bonuses, staying with us on our main damage bar at all times!
We have multiple sources of critical damage that all stack together to give us big bonuses to damage WHEN we crit (which is always).
Usually, if you spec for critical chance but don’t reach 90-100% you will open yourself up for failure while having low flat.
Of course, flat stats do increase the base of your abilities but when they crit they are higher right? Yes but if you fail then…it’s a waste. We sacrifice a bit of flat but we plug the gap with multiple HIGH critical damage buffs/bonuses. Usually, that would be open to chance, but since it is not… our critical damage IS our “flat” almost all of the time!
So now you can enjoy hardly ever failing a critical execute stab, failing your ground dots, failing your light attacks, heavy attacks or spammables, and even your ultimate. So long as you do not hover on the back bar!
Your back bar has 2 dots, that’s it! (unless you alter). Stay on that front bar as much as you possibly can!
The back bar has HIGH (very high) crit chance, but your front bar is where it all happens.
Not only this but we have stupidly high ultimate regen so long as we get kills. We have guaranteed critical hits with our execute. Get to killing! and spam those ultimates!!
Important notes:
HUGE critical chance on the front bar, making the damage you can apply extremely consistent with a good rotation (yes practice is still key to any build).
Critical damage bonus from racial passives, class passives, skill (Merciless Resolve), minor force (set), champion points, all stacking, not to mention what you can get from warhorns and minor brittle!
Your critical damage is non longer tied to CHANCE as much as most builds we have multiple options which allow us to control it, it’s our PASSIVE!
Extremely easy to follow rotation taking full advantage of passives with a 100% static rotation that NEVER changes apart from execute which gets even easier!
Great for beginners AND experts!
Capable of ALL PVE content (yes that means the hard stuff too!!)
NO TRIAL GEAR in ANY variation of the build ever required!!!
VERY high ultimate regen with 10 ultimate per kill IF you slot a particular version of the front bar ultimate (explained in the video).
And finally…pretty much everything we do heals us! And due to the control of crits…it is VERY consistent!
Action Bars
Champion Rank: 0

- 0

- 0

- 0
- 5x Medusa
- 4x Mother's Sorrow
- 2x Zaan
- 1x Perfected Crushing Wall
Passive Abilities
- No passive abilities selected

- Hold down the shift key to unlock the next rank.
Set parts
Here you can find the overview of the set parts that are suggested for this build.Slot
Armor Type
Light Armor

Light Armor

Mother's Sorrow
Light Armor

Heavy Armor

Mother's Sorrow
Light Armor

Mother's Sorrow
Light Armor

Heavy Armor




Weapon Type
Main hand
Mother's Sorrow
Inferno Staff

Mother's Sorrow
Inferno Staff

No Poison selected
Main hand
Perfected Crushing Wall
Inferno Staff

Perfected Crushing Wall
Inferno Staff

No Poison selected
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