Build Planer is on Patchlevel 10.3.5
The Blocker (early build in progress)




Skill points
0 / 541
Champion points
0 / 3600
Patch level
Patch 6.2.7
- Class
- Please select a class in the top menu.
- Weapon
- Two Handed
- One Hand and Shield
- Dual Wield
- Bow
- Destruction Staff
- Restoration Staff
- Armor
- Light Armor
- Medium Armor
- Heavy Armor
- World
- Legerdemain
- Soul Magic
- Werewolf
- Vampire
- Scrying
- Excavation
- Alliance War
- Assault
- Emperor
- Support
- Guild
- Thieves guild
- Dark Brotherhood
- Fighters Guild
- Mages Guild
- Undaunted
- Psijic-Order
- Racial
- Please select a race in the top menu.
- Craft
- Alchemy
- Blacksmithing
- Clothing
- Woodworking
- Provisioning
- Enchanting
- Jewelcrafting
Build description
This build still in the works as far as skills and armor. The purpose is a full on tank shield user that can heal ones self while taking hits on front line; A paladin of sorts. The armor sets below are a few options have I have contemplated on using. Since you'll be utilizing blocking with the shield i included a few quick descriptions for the armors.
skill sets:
First weapon skill set is for solo use.
-it has all the needing thing for a solo play. its got a heal, two long range (one magic one stamina), has a close range that also heals, has an ability from the sword shield that added damage penetration.
Second weapon skill set is for group use like PVP with a focus on blocking and defense with a little healing.
-this has mostly defensive and group play abilities.
currently using or near future armor sets:
twin sisters (necklace, dagger, trouser, boots, belt) *want to make one of them a ring*
willows path craft with sturdy enchantment (reduce cost of block)
gear that might synergize:
wyrd tree blessing (Casting a Magicka ability, you remove all negative effects from yourself. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.)
steadfast hero (When you cleanse a negative effect from yourself or an ally, gain Major Protection for 5 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 30%. This effect can occur once every 18 seconds.)
Gear sets to consider:
Phoenix (drop below 25% health get a 25000 shield and burn enemies around you) (cooldown 1min)
night terror (when take melee damage cause poison damage to enemy) (cooldown 1 sec)
twin sisters (causes bleed after any kind of block)
bastion of the heartland (reduce specific PVP damage)
battalion defender (heals user and friendly after a block)
beekeepers gear (hp recovery)
brands of imperium (when taking damage you and friendlies get a shield)
crest of cyrodiil (heals user after a block)
defending warrior (block an attack deals aoe magic damage and heals user)
dunecripper scales (while blocking gives resistance)
ebon armory (gives max health to both user and friendlies)
footmans fortune (increases how much damage you can block)
frozen watcher (while blocking summon frost vortex)
hatchling shell (get a shield equal to 22% max health every 15 sec)
jolting arms (blocking attack chance to make next shield bash stronger)
leeching plate (20% chance to spawn poison mist)
livewire (25% chance to concuss enemies)
meridias blessed armor (block attack 33% chance to blind enemy)
nikulas heavy armor (block projectile 25% to reflect)
order of diagna (gives minor vitality at all times, increase healing received)
plague doctor (general health increase and healing received)
steadfast hero (cleansing a debuff gives 30% damage reduction)
thews of the harbinger (blocking direct attack deals 4% current health back)
thunderbug carapace (taking physical damage 50% chance to AOE shock)
vampire cloak (minor protection all the time, reduce damage by 8%)
warior-poet (gives minor toughness all times, max health increase 10%)
wyrd tree blessing (using magicka ability clenses 5 debuffs)
grave gaurdian (while blocking summons stone ward increasing resistances both user and friendly)
eternal vigor (stamina and magic recovery above 50% health, health recovery below 50% health)
craft sets that could be useful:
hist bark (while blocking reduce damage from aoe attacks by 25%)
willows path (lots of health, stamina and magic recovery)
coldharbours favorite (spawns horseman: if heal spell used he spawns to heal. if you damage an enemy he spawns to detonate self)
orgnums scales (hp recovery and when below 60%health get 50% hp recovery)
Possibly fun/useful:
mighty chuda
maw of the inferno
swarm mother
This build still in the works as far as skills and armor. The purpose is a full on tank shield user that can heal ones self while taking hits on front line; A paladin of sorts. The armor sets below are a few options have I have contemplated on using. Since you'll be utilizing blocking with the shield i included a few quick descriptions for the armors.
skill sets:
First weapon skill set is for solo use.
-it has all the needing thing for a solo play. its got a heal, two long range (one magic one stamina), has a close range that also heals, has an ability from the sword shield that added damage penetration.
Second weapon skill set is for group use like PVP with a focus on blocking and defense with a little healing.
-this has mostly defensive and group play abilities.
currently using or near future armor sets:
twin sisters (necklace, dagger, trouser, boots, belt) *want to make one of them a ring*
willows path craft with sturdy enchantment (reduce cost of block)
gear that might synergize:
wyrd tree blessing (Casting a Magicka ability, you remove all negative effects from yourself. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.)
steadfast hero (When you cleanse a negative effect from yourself or an ally, gain Major Protection for 5 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 30%. This effect can occur once every 18 seconds.)
Gear sets to consider:
Phoenix (drop below 25% health get a 25000 shield and burn enemies around you) (cooldown 1min)
night terror (when take melee damage cause poison damage to enemy) (cooldown 1 sec)
twin sisters (causes bleed after any kind of block)
bastion of the heartland (reduce specific PVP damage)
battalion defender (heals user and friendly after a block)
beekeepers gear (hp recovery)
brands of imperium (when taking damage you and friendlies get a shield)
crest of cyrodiil (heals user after a block)
defending warrior (block an attack deals aoe magic damage and heals user)
dunecripper scales (while blocking gives resistance)
ebon armory (gives max health to both user and friendlies)
footmans fortune (increases how much damage you can block)
frozen watcher (while blocking summon frost vortex)
hatchling shell (get a shield equal to 22% max health every 15 sec)
jolting arms (blocking attack chance to make next shield bash stronger)
leeching plate (20% chance to spawn poison mist)
livewire (25% chance to concuss enemies)
meridias blessed armor (block attack 33% chance to blind enemy)
nikulas heavy armor (block projectile 25% to reflect)
order of diagna (gives minor vitality at all times, increase healing received)
plague doctor (general health increase and healing received)
steadfast hero (cleansing a debuff gives 30% damage reduction)
thews of the harbinger (blocking direct attack deals 4% current health back)
thunderbug carapace (taking physical damage 50% chance to AOE shock)
vampire cloak (minor protection all the time, reduce damage by 8%)
warior-poet (gives minor toughness all times, max health increase 10%)
wyrd tree blessing (using magicka ability clenses 5 debuffs)
grave gaurdian (while blocking summons stone ward increasing resistances both user and friendly)
eternal vigor (stamina and magic recovery above 50% health, health recovery below 50% health)
craft sets that could be useful:
hist bark (while blocking reduce damage from aoe attacks by 25%)
willows path (lots of health, stamina and magic recovery)
coldharbours favorite (spawns horseman: if heal spell used he spawns to heal. if you damage an enemy he spawns to detonate self)
orgnums scales (hp recovery and when below 60%health get 50% hp recovery)
Possibly fun/useful:
mighty chuda
maw of the inferno
swarm mother
Action Bars
Champion Rank: 0

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Passive Abilities
- No passive abilities selected

- Hold down the shift key to unlock the next rank.
Set parts
Here you can find the overview of the set parts that are suggested for this build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main hand
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main hand
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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