Blood for Blood
- Cast Time
- Instant
- Target
- Enemy
- Cost
- 2295 Health
- Duration
- No Duration
- Range
- 7 meters
Rend an enemy, dealing 4280 Magic Damage and applying the Hemorrhaging status effect.
Deals up to 75% more damage based on your missing Health.
After you cast this ability, you cannot be healed by allies for 3 seconds.
Deals up to 75% more damage based on your missing Health.
After you cast this ability, you cannot be healed by allies for 3 seconds.
Unlocked at Vampire Rank 1
Costs Health to cast, but greatly increases the execute scaling. After casting the ability, you cannot be healed by allies for a short duration.
Costs Health to cast, but greatly increases the execute scaling. After casting the ability, you cannot be healed by allies for a short duration.
Skill Name
Blut für Blut
Blood for Blood
Sang pour sang
Blood for Blood is an active skill of the talent tree Vampire.
Blood for Blood is a morph of Eviscerate.
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