ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

Defensive Stance

  • Cast Time
  • Instant
  • Target
  • Self
  • Cost
  • 4320 Stamina
  • Duration
  • 6 seconds
Bolster your defenses, gaining a damage shield that absorbs up to 6307 damage for 6 seconds. This portion of the ability scales off your Max Health.

You reflect the next harmful direct damage projectile cast at you, once per cast.

While slotted and you have a shield equipped, the amount of damage you can block is increased by 10% and the cost of blocking is reduced by 10%.
Unlocked at One Hand and Shield Rank 14
While slotted and with a shield equipped, you reduce the cost of block and increase the amount of damage you can block.

Skill Name

Defensiver Stand
Defensive Stance
Stance défensive


Defensive Stance is an active skill of the talent tree One Hand and Shield.
Defensive Stance is a morph of Defensive Posture.

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