ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

Gripping Shards

  • Cast Time
  • Instant
  • Target
  • Area
  • Radius
  • 6 meters
  • Cost
  • 2970 Magicka
  • Duration
  • 12 seconds
Conjure icy shards around you to skewer enemies in the area, immobilizing them for 3 seconds and dealing 534 Frost Damage every 1 second for 12 seconds.

Enemies hit are overcome with bitter cold, reducing their Movement Speed by 30% for 3 seconds.

Damage done is based on your Max Health and has a higher chance to apply the Chilled status effect.
Unlocked at Winter's Embrace Rank 4
Immobilizes enemies around you when cast and reduces the cost.

Skill Name

Packende Scherben
Gripping Shards
Échardes saisissantes


This skill is a class skill of the Warden tree.
Gripping Shards is an active skill of the talent tree Winters Embrace.
Gripping Shards is a morph of Impaling Shards.

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