ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

Ruinous Scythe

  • Cast Time
  • Instant
  • Target
  • Cone
  • Radius
  • 7 meters
  • Cost
  • 2754 Stamina
  • Duration
  • No Duration
Slice into your enemy's life force, dealing 3314 Bleed Damage, applying the Hemorrhaging status effect, and setting them Off Balance for 7 seconds.

You heal for 3053 Health for the first enemy hit, and an additional 1017 for each additional enemy, up to five times. The healing of this ability scales off your Max Health.
Unlocked at Bone Tyrant Rank 1
Converts to a Stamina ability and deals Bleed Damage, applying the Hemorrhaging status effect. Enemies hit are set Off Balance.

Skill Name

Ruinöse Sense
Ruinous Scythe
Faux ravageuse


This skill is a class skill of the Necromancer tree.
Ruinous Scythe is an active skill of the talent tree Bone Tyrant.
Ruinous Scythe is a morph of Death Scythe.

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