Screaming Cliff Racer
- Cast Time
- Instant
- Target
- Enemy
- Cost
- 2700 Magicka
- Duration
- No Duration
- Range
- 28 meters
- Role
Command a cliff racer to dive bomb an enemy, dealing 3979 Magic Damage.
If you are more than 7 meters away from the target, you set them Off Balance for 7 seconds.
After dealing damage you increase your Weapon and Spell Damage by 100 for 10 seconds, which quadruples after damaging Off Balance enemies.
If you are more than 7 meters away from the target, you set them Off Balance for 7 seconds.
After dealing damage you increase your Weapon and Spell Damage by 100 for 10 seconds, which quadruples after damaging Off Balance enemies.
Unlocked at Animal Companions Rank 1
Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage after dealing damage, which increases when hitting Off Balance targets.
Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage after dealing damage, which increases when hitting Off Balance targets.
Skill Name
Kreischender Klippenläufer
Screaming Cliff Racer
Braillard des falaises hurlant
This skill is a class skill of the Warden tree.
Screaming Cliff Racer is an active skill of the talent tree Animal Companion.
Screaming Cliff Racer is a morph of Dive.
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