Stone Giant
- Cast Time
- 0.6 seconds
- Target
- Area
- Radius
- 6 meters
- Cost
- 2295 Stamina
- Duration
- 10 seconds
- Range
- 28 meters
- Role
Crush the earth beneath you, dealing 4280 Physical Damage to all enemies within 6 meters of you. Debris ripped from the ground is held around you for 10 seconds.
Activating the ability again allows you to launch part of the debris at an enemy, dealing 4280 Physical Damage, up to 3 times. The final cast stuns for 2.5 seconds.
Each hit applies Stagger, increasing damage taken by 65 per stack for 5 seconds.
Activating the ability again allows you to launch part of the debris at an enemy, dealing 4280 Physical Damage, up to 3 times. The final cast stuns for 2.5 seconds.
Each hit applies Stagger, increasing damage taken by 65 per stack for 5 seconds.
Unlocked at Earthen Heart Rank 1
Enemies hit are affected with Stagger, causing them to take bonus damage from all attacks.
Enemies hit are affected with Stagger, causing them to take bonus damage from all attacks.
Skill Name
Stone Giant
Géant de pierre
This skill is a class skill of the Dragonknight tree.
Stone Giant is an active skill of the talent tree Earthen Heart.
Stone Giant is a morph of Stonefist.
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