ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

Aide / Information


  • Cliquer sur l'icône de Race, Classe et Alliance pour choisir ton option (clique sur le marqueur de question).
  • Utilise le bouton gauche de la souris pour ajouter un point de compétence.
  • Utilise le bouton droit de la souris pour retirer un point.
  • Tu peux faire évoluer tes sorts en utilisant un point de compétence sur le sort sélectionné.
  • "Réinitialiser les points" te permet de remettre a zéro l'ensemble de tes points.


Tu peux obtenir 541 points dans le jeu (9.0.5. Nekrom)!
  • Eclats Célestes: 175
  • Niveau: 64
  • DLC: 149
  • Niveaux AvA: 50
  • Donjons Vétérans: 0
  • Donjons de groupe: 24
  • Donjons publics: 16
  • Quètes de l'histoire principale: 14
  • Quètes de Zones: 49
Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5

My funny (and viable) character

  • Compétences / SortsCompétences / Sorts
  • Système ChampionSystème Champion
  • EnsemblesEnsembles
  • Copier le buildCopier le build
  • Voir la descriptionVoir la description
  • AideAide
Pacte de Cœurébène
Pierre de Mundus
L'Amant - Augmente la pénétration physique et magique de 2744.
0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 7.2.5
  • Classe
    • Merci de choisir votre classe dans le menu en haut.
  • Armes
    • Arme à deux mains
    • Une main et un bouclier
    • Deux armes
    • Arc
    • Bâton de destruction
    • Bâton de rétablissement
  • Armure
    • Armure légère
    • Armure moyenne
    • Armure lourde
  • Monde
    • Escroquerie
    • Magie des âmes
    • Loup-garou
    • Vampire
    • Sondage
    • Excavation
  • Guerre d'Alliances
    • Assaut
    • Empereur
    • Soutien
  • Guilde
    • Guilde des voleurs
    • Confrérie noire
    • Guilde des guerriers
    • Guilde des mages
    • Indomptable
    • Ordre Psijique
  • Culturel
    • Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
  • Artisanat
    • Alchimie
    • Forge
    • Couture
    • Travail du bois
    • Cuisine
    • Enchantement
    • Joaillerie

Description du build

My funny (and viable) character

Welcome to this solo build made by @Xash.o (myself)

In this guide I'll show and explain the different gear, possible setups, the funny potential of this character, and so on. Without further ado, let's move on shall we?

This character uses some end-game items that are mandatory to make the build fun. It's as such highly recommended to have access to the content in order to get these items.

/!\ You want all your armor pieces in medium with the divine trait /!\

Head: Briarheart
Shoulders: Briarheart
Chest: Hunding's Rage
Waist: Hunding's Rage
Legs: Hunding's Rage
Gloves: Hunding's Rage
Boots: Hunding's Rage
Necklace: Briarheart
Ring 1: Briarheart
Ring 2: Ring of the Wild Hunt

We run this setup because it's fairly easy to get and we will have enough pain farming the weapons. In the case that you don't have Greymoor chapter, you of course want to replace Ring of the Wild Hunt with a second Briarheart Ring that will proc the 5 items effect of this set, which is pretty juicy.
Now Huding's Rage is critical, stamina max, critical and damage.
Briarheart is critical, stamina max and critical (and insane heal if you run two rings).

For the frontbar weapons you want to have both Asylum's Perfected Greatsword AND Master's Perfected Greatsword, so you swap them easily. Indeed you'll want to use Master's one for trash pulls, and Asylum's one for bosses. As you can see in the frontbar skills, we have both Brawler and Reverse Slice. Brawler is your spam for trash pulls (with Master's) and Reverse Slice will be your execute for bosses (with Asylum's).
There's not much more to say here, so let's move to the backbar gear

So on the backbar you want to run the Master's Perfected Sword and the Master's Perfected Shield because of the insane heal it gives you when you use Puncture (Ransack morph in our case).
Now about the skills, why do we have both Vigor and Dragon Blood in our bar? Because you WANT to activate Dragon Blood BEFORE using Vigor, as it gives you a 8% more healing received in the next 23 seconds (100% uptime of this skill is mandatory)

Food and potions
This is pretty standard here, for the food you want to use the Dubious Camoran Throne, and for potions you want to use trash stamina pots (cheap) or weapon power pots (a bit more expensive).

Now why is this build fun?!
It's really a fun build for me because it lets you run around anywhere pretty fast (due to the ring), you have good ressources management, it's playable solo or in a dungeon group (normal and vets are easily doable, hardmodes are more complicated, but still doable).
This build is also pretty polyvalent, you can use it for ressources farming if you want to, just use Charging Maneuver instead of Dragon Blood.
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R

  • Artisanat 0
  • Guerre 0
  • Dynamisme 0

Magie Magie
  • 0
Santé Santé
  • 0
Vigueur Vigueur
  • 0

  • No Set selected

  • Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de pouvoir passif

Pièce d'ensemble

Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.

Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type

1. Barre d'action

Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected

2. Barre d'action

Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected

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