Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5
pve soin



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.7.11
- Classe
- Merci de choisir votre classe dans le menu en haut.
- Armes
- Arme à deux mains
- Une main et un bouclier
- Deux armes
- Arc
- Bâton de destruction
- Bâton de rétablissement
- Armure
- Armure légère
- Armure moyenne
- Armure lourde
- Monde
- Escroquerie
- Magie des âmes
- Loup-garou
- Vampire
- Sondage
- Excavation
- Guerre d'Alliances
- Assaut
- Empereur
- Soutien
- Guilde
- Guilde des voleurs
- Confrérie noire
- Guilde des guerriers
- Guilde des mages
- Indomptable
- Ordre Psijique
- Culturel
- Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
- Artisanat
- Alchimie
- Forge
- Couture
- Travail du bois
- Cuisine
- Enchantement
- Joaillerie
Description du build
Remember, Healers often need to change a few skills during runs. So this setup is not maced into stone, adjust it to your needs.
Healing Ward: This ability only needs to be used if an member takes a lot of damage and drops low on health.
Combat Prayer: This needs to be on the group members all the time to heal them and increase their damage by 8%.
Healing Springs: This is your main healing tool, its pretty cheap and heals a lot over time.
Obsidian Shard: Huge Burst Heal with a long range. 28m range to the enemy and then it can travel another 28m to heal a ally.
Fragmented Shield: Applies a small shield and gives you Major Mending for 5 seconds.
Live Giver Ulti: Heals for a lot and applies several other heals to the low Health Player.
Cinder Storm: Strong and long lasting heal over time that can be placed on the ground.
Elemental Blockade: Keep this on the ground as much as possible, when that Elemental Shock Blockade is on the ground with your charged trait, concussion and off balance will almost proc on cooldown, increasing group DPS by a lot.
Elemental Drain: This ability needs to be on the enemy as much as possible, it debuffs their Spell Resistance and gives Magicka Steal to your whole group, increasing sustain by a lot.
Energy Orb: Use this as much as possible, when group members activate the Synergy, they restore a lot of resources.
Cauterize: Very powerful burst heal, shoots Orbs at allies to heal them.
Aggressive Warhorn: This is your main Ultimate, it buffs the groups resources and increases the critical damage modifier for 10 seconds.
Flex Spot: If you want to add another Skill, you can swap out Inner Light.
Witchmothers Brew Drink (Max Health, Max Magicka, Magicka Recovery)
Clockwork Citrus Filet
Spell-Crit Potions
(Spell-crit, Spell Damage, Magicka)
(Cornflower, Ladys Smock, Water Hyacinth)
Gear Setup 1
Gear Set Weight Trait Enchantment
Chest Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Infused Tri-Stat
Belt Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Divine Magicka
Shoes Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Divine Magicka
Pants Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Infused Tri-Stat
Hands Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Divine Magicka
Head Earthgore Heavy Infused Tri-Stat
Shoulder Earthgore Medium Divine Magicka
Necklace The Worm's Raiment Jewelry Arcane Spellcost Reduction
Ring The Worm's Raiment Jewelry Arcane Spellcost Reduction
Ring The Worm's Raiment Jewelry Arcane Spell Damage
Weapon 1 The Worm's Raiment Resto Staff Powered Magicka Drain
Weapon 2 The Worm's Raiment Lightning Staff Charged Shock dmg
Remember, Healers often need to change a few skills during runs. So this setup is not maced into stone, adjust it to your needs.
Healing Ward: This ability only needs to be used if an member takes a lot of damage and drops low on health.
Combat Prayer: This needs to be on the group members all the time to heal them and increase their damage by 8%.
Healing Springs: This is your main healing tool, its pretty cheap and heals a lot over time.
Obsidian Shard: Huge Burst Heal with a long range. 28m range to the enemy and then it can travel another 28m to heal a ally.
Fragmented Shield: Applies a small shield and gives you Major Mending for 5 seconds.
Live Giver Ulti: Heals for a lot and applies several other heals to the low Health Player.
Cinder Storm: Strong and long lasting heal over time that can be placed on the ground.
Elemental Blockade: Keep this on the ground as much as possible, when that Elemental Shock Blockade is on the ground with your charged trait, concussion and off balance will almost proc on cooldown, increasing group DPS by a lot.
Elemental Drain: This ability needs to be on the enemy as much as possible, it debuffs their Spell Resistance and gives Magicka Steal to your whole group, increasing sustain by a lot.
Energy Orb: Use this as much as possible, when group members activate the Synergy, they restore a lot of resources.
Cauterize: Very powerful burst heal, shoots Orbs at allies to heal them.
Aggressive Warhorn: This is your main Ultimate, it buffs the groups resources and increases the critical damage modifier for 10 seconds.
Flex Spot: If you want to add another Skill, you can swap out Inner Light.
Witchmothers Brew Drink (Max Health, Max Magicka, Magicka Recovery)
Clockwork Citrus Filet
Spell-Crit Potions
(Spell-crit, Spell Damage, Magicka)
(Cornflower, Ladys Smock, Water Hyacinth)
Gear Setup 1
Gear Set Weight Trait Enchantment
Chest Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Infused Tri-Stat
Belt Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Divine Magicka
Shoes Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Divine Magicka
Pants Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Infused Tri-Stat
Hands Perfect Vestment of Olorime Light Divine Magicka
Head Earthgore Heavy Infused Tri-Stat
Shoulder Earthgore Medium Divine Magicka
Necklace The Worm's Raiment Jewelry Arcane Spellcost Reduction
Ring The Worm's Raiment Jewelry Arcane Spellcost Reduction
Ring The Worm's Raiment Jewelry Arcane Spell Damage
Weapon 1 The Worm's Raiment Resto Staff Powered Magicka Drain
Weapon 2 The Worm's Raiment Lightning Staff Charged Shock dmg
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
Points d'attribut

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Sorts passifs
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Pièce d'ensemble
Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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