Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5
Viking Berserker (New player trial build tips appreciated)



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.7.11
- Classe
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- Armes
- Arme à deux mains
- Une main et un bouclier
- Deux armes
- Arc
- Bâton de destruction
- Bâton de rétablissement
- Armure
- Armure légère
- Armure moyenne
- Armure lourde
- Monde
- Escroquerie
- Magie des âmes
- Loup-garou
- Vampire
- Sondage
- Excavation
- Guerre d'Alliances
- Assaut
- Empereur
- Soutien
- Guilde
- Guilde des voleurs
- Confrérie noire
- Guilde des guerriers
- Guilde des mages
- Indomptable
- Ordre Psijique
- Culturel
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- Artisanat
- Alchimie
- Forge
- Couture
- Travail du bois
- Cuisine
- Enchantement
- Joaillerie
Description du build
Completely new to the game, very unfamiliar with running builds, this is experimental and sort of personalized to my liking, hoping to run it in all aspects of the game, not really meant to be strong in one area. As I love both PvE and PvP content. Build as you can see is very incomplete, I have no idea about champion points. But I wanted to do a berserker build based of the Norse Religion and Odin's berserker. Figured werewolf would fit well as an ulti. Built DW axes for single target use. throw buffs up, a heal is there if needed, throw on DoT, and spam flurry. Focused on AoE with 2h, cleave to gain ulti for onslaught, onslaught only used as Killing Blow to refund Ulti. Thought this was a good PvP talent for the resistance steal/ignore resist. So in alliance war it's throw poison aoes with 2h, cleave like a montster for ulti, than spam ulti on anything left over. Negative side, I can see this build being kiteable. Positive Side, I can see it being a powerhouse like a real world berserker. They took drugs to not feel pain, and just went ham dealing as much damage as they could before they died, that's pretty much the point, and offensive DD meant to pressure and blitz the enemies dealing as much damage as it can before dying and doing it again, not really meant to really get kills.
Recommend initiating pvp by putting up spikes buff, switching to 2h and putting up those buffs run in and aoe your face off, if your team comes in behind and you are still alive switch to DW axes and get to work. This build isn't meant to solo people, it's meant to help people in there take downs and provide insanely annoying amounts of pressure. So helping to get a target to about 25 -40% and moving to another one, always meant to be moving and sprinting/ dodge rolling switching targets. If you are about to die switch targets to one a distance away from yours, if played right your target should be already fighting someone, and most of the time they wont switch to you if you stay in deal some damage and get out. This damage is meant to come just as fast as you can enter the fight and exit the fight. You're there, than you're gone onto something else (using dw axes for this) This build is based off the idea of teamwork and getting your teammates backs. You aren't worried about topping the scoreboard you are more worried about providing pressure to cause chaos on the other team while keeping yours safe.
Recommend initiating pvp by putting up spikes buff, switching to 2h and putting up those buffs run in and aoe your face off, if your team comes in behind and you are still alive switch to DW axes and get to work. This build isn't meant to solo people, it's meant to help people in there take downs and provide insanely annoying amounts of pressure. So helping to get a target to about 25 -40% and moving to another one, always meant to be moving and sprinting/ dodge rolling switching targets. If you are about to die switch targets to one a distance away from yours, if played right your target should be already fighting someone, and most of the time they wont switch to you if you stay in deal some damage and get out. This damage is meant to come just as fast as you can enter the fight and exit the fight. You're there, than you're gone onto something else (using dw axes for this) This build is based off the idea of teamwork and getting your teammates backs. You aren't worried about topping the scoreboard you are more worried about providing pressure to cause chaos on the other team while keeping yours safe.
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
Points d'attribut

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Sorts passifs
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Pièce d'ensemble
Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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