ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

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  • Cliquer sur l'icône de Race, Classe et Alliance pour choisir ton option (clique sur le marqueur de question).
  • Utilise le bouton gauche de la souris pour ajouter un point de compétence.
  • Utilise le bouton droit de la souris pour retirer un point.
  • Tu peux faire évoluer tes sorts en utilisant un point de compétence sur le sort sélectionné.
  • "Réinitialiser les points" te permet de remettre a zéro l'ensemble de tes points.


Tu peux obtenir 541 points dans le jeu (9.0.5. Nekrom)!
  • Eclats Célestes: 175
  • Niveau: 64
  • DLC: 149
  • Niveaux AvA: 50
  • Donjons Vétérans: 0
  • Donjons de groupe: 24
  • Donjons publics: 16
  • Quètes de l'histoire principale: 14
  • Quètes de Zones: 49
Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5

Rage's PVE StamWarden

  • Compétences / SortsCompétences / Sorts
  • Système ChampionSystème Champion
  • EnsemblesEnsembles
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  • Voir la descriptionVoir la description
  • AideAide
Domaine aldmeri
Pierre de Mundus
L'Amant - Augmente la pénétration physique et magique de 2744.
0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Pure Rage
Mise a jour
Patch 4.3.9
  • Classe
    • Merci de choisir votre classe dans le menu en haut.
  • Armes
    • Arme à deux mains
    • Une main et un bouclier
    • Deux armes
    • Arc
    • Bâton de destruction
    • Bâton de rétablissement
  • Armure
    • Armure légère
    • Armure moyenne
    • Armure lourde
  • Monde
    • Escroquerie
    • Magie des âmes
    • Loup-garou
    • Vampire
    • Sondage
    • Excavation
  • Guerre d'Alliances
    • Assaut
    • Empereur
    • Soutien
  • Guilde
    • Guilde des voleurs
    • Confrérie noire
    • Guilde des guerriers
    • Guilde des mages
    • Indomptable
    • Ordre Psijique
  • Culturel
    • Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
  • Artisanat
    • Alchimie
    • Forge
    • Couture
    • Travail du bois
    • Cuisine
    • Enchantement
    • Joaillerie

Description du build

Stam Warden for PVE content that I am currently using.

I am able to do 45+k dps without putting much effort into timing of skills and bar swaps and 50-60+k DPS when full focus mode and other group buffs. I have tested many other builds and this has been my favorite to use with my play style and is a mix of a few other bulids that I have seen. It is a full medium build so the stamina recovery, reduction to stamina based skills, and movement speed is pretty nice, can use Redguard for more sustain but I use Khajiit for the race skill of increased weapon critical by 8%.

Gear, traits and enchants

(2) Selene
(5) Arms of Relequen
(5) Ravager
(2) Seventh Legion of Brute

Monster Set

-Head medium Selene Divine trait with Stamina enchant
-Shoulder medium Selene Divine trait with Stamina enchant

If wanting more perks from undaunted skill line (undaunted mettle) you can use a heavy helmet and light shoulders but I dont find it to be beneficial with Ravaging giving me enough HP.


-Chest medium Arms of Relequen Divine trait with Stamina enchant
-Belt medium Arms of Relequen Divine trait with Stamina enchant
-Boots medium Arms of Relequen Divine trait with Stamina enchant
-Pants medium Arms of Relequen Divine trait with Stamina enchant
-Gloves medium Arms of Relequen Divine trait with Stamina enchant

Obviously the perfected ver is ideal but I haven't been able to get a group going for vet Cloud Rest and am still satisfied with the DPS I am able to do with the basic ver of Relequen.


-Necklace Ravager with Bloodthirsty trait and Weapon Damage enchant
-Ring Ravager with Bloodthirsty trait and Weapon Damage enchant
-Ring Ravager with Infused trait and Weapon Damage enchant


Front Bar
-Dagger Ravager with Infused trait and Poison Damage enchant (main hand)
-Dagger Ravager with Infused trait and Absorb Stamina enchant (off hand)

Back Bar
-Bow Seventh Legion of Brute with Infused trait and Weapon Damage enchant enchant

Only using the Seventh Legion Bow for the time being because of its set effect (2) adds 129 weapon damage and you will lose Ravager's set effect (5) with it but it only effects melee so it wouldn't be useful here anyways. vMA bow would be ideal if you have it.

If there are large trash mob fights I swap out Rending Slashes for Steel Tornado and Poison Injection for Acid Spray. Make sure to change skills back for boss fights tho.

Main DPS comes from the front bar dual daggers but constantly swapping bars to keep the DoTs applied.
Note changes to Birds of Prey the Minor Berserk buff is now passive so will not effect the back bar so if the heals are good during a dungeon/trial you can swap Green Lotus for Birds of Prey and take a bit lower crit rating for the increased damage and you will also get stamina recovery from animal companion passive but I get slightly better DPS keeping green lotus on the backbar.

The ultimate's I do use the bear for most of the content I play through but wanted to show what I use instead of the bear because there are times where you do not want to have a pet out and pulling things. Also Dawnbreaker of Smithing is nice to have during large trash mob fights since it does AoE damage and stuns. Make sure to swap back to the bear during boss fights as it has a higher dps and lower ultimate amount (75) to be able to use the bears attack Guardian's Wrath.

Using Dressing Room addon makes switching skills around for various content alot easier and faster

Other skills I have unlocked but not showing in the build are for PVP which I change up everything for. Can find my PVP build here
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R

  • Artisanat 0
  • Guerre 0
  • Dynamisme 0

Magie Magie
  • 0
Santé Santé
  • 0
Vigueur Vigueur
  • 0

  • No Set selected

  • Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de pouvoir passif

Pièce d'ensemble

Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.

Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type

1. Barre d'action

Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected

2. Barre d'action

Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected

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Rapport    24/02/2019 - 13:24:20 | #3
Pure Rage
Things will be changing tho with Wrathstone DLC coming out as well
Rapport    24/02/2019 - 13:17:54 | #2
Pure Rage
arko schriebthis build is always otimized?

For the most part yes, should use Velidreth monster set with the changes to relequen's proc, the whirlwinds do not proc selen as often anymore (not enough for me to change it since I can still do good dps) and Advancing Yokeda (Berserking Warrior) for max dps but for my play style I still prefer Ravaging.
Rapport    21/02/2019 - 21:24:50 | #1
this build is always otimized?