Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5
[PvP] Magicka Nightblade Patch 2.3.5



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.3.9
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- Enchantement
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Description du build
This is the more ‘conventional’ nightblade, using cloak and massive burst DPS to obliterate the enemy in the blink of an eye.
Best gear would be:
5x Clever Alchemist
Chest – Light, Infused, Max Magicka Enchant
Head – Light, Infused, Max Magicka Enchant
Legs – Light, Infused, Max Magicka Enchant
Sword (x2) – Nirnhoned, Unresistable Damage Enchant
Restoration Staff – Precise, Absorb Magicka Enchant
3x Vicious Death -Not sure what traits and pieces of this set will be available but this is ideal
Waist – Light, Divines, Max Magicka Enchant
Hands – Light, Impenetrable, Max Magicka Enchant
Feet – Light, Impenetrable, Max Magicka Enchant
1x Molag Kena
Shoulder – Light, Divines, Max Magicka Enchant
3x Willpower
Neck – Arcane, Spell Damage Enchant
Ring – Arcane, Potion Cool down Enchant
Ring – Arcane, Potion Cool down Enchant
The Apprentice
Want to maximise damage with this build. Have to do some testing but I *think* this will give more damage than the Mage.
The Mage
Have to do testing but pretty sure The Apprentice is slightly better.
Main Bar – Dual Wield
Inner Light: Max magicka and Mage’s Guild passives. Also used to detect nightblades.
Concealed Weapon: Seeing as this build is all about maximising burst damage, concealed is a better option than Swallow Soul as main DPS skill
Mass Hysteria: Main CC and great debuff
Lotus Fan: Gap closer
Shadowy Disguise: Used offensively for guaranteed crits
[Ultimate] Soul Harvest: Drinking potions to proc Clever Alch will mean this will be up almost all the time.
Secondary Bar – Restoration Staff
Merciless Resolve: Damage buff
Proximity Detonation: Main burst when Soul Harvest isn’t up and insane when the two are combined
Double Take: Adds much needed defense and adds to mobility when in cloak.
Healing Ward: Main heal, use with cloak to get the most out of it
Flex Spot: Piercing Mark/Shadow Image/Siphoning Attacks are all good options
[Ultimate] Ice Comet: Massive damage if you use it with shadowy disguise buff + magelight empower active
Drink a spell power potion, hit magelight, go into cloak and open with either soul harvest or concealed weapon. If opening with concealed, have Proxy up before hand. Most are nearly dead just from the Soul Harvest, a concealed or two will finish them off. For those tankier players, fear then go into DPS. Usually will kill but if not, CC wgain when immunity is down and magelight + cloak into soul harvest or concealed.
These builds have worked really well for me so far in PvP but there’s definitely room for improvement. If anyone has any input or suggestions I would appreciate them.
This is the more ‘conventional’ nightblade, using cloak and massive burst DPS to obliterate the enemy in the blink of an eye.
Best gear would be:
5x Clever Alchemist
Chest – Light, Infused, Max Magicka Enchant
Head – Light, Infused, Max Magicka Enchant
Legs – Light, Infused, Max Magicka Enchant
Sword (x2) – Nirnhoned, Unresistable Damage Enchant
Restoration Staff – Precise, Absorb Magicka Enchant
3x Vicious Death -Not sure what traits and pieces of this set will be available but this is ideal
Waist – Light, Divines, Max Magicka Enchant
Hands – Light, Impenetrable, Max Magicka Enchant
Feet – Light, Impenetrable, Max Magicka Enchant
1x Molag Kena
Shoulder – Light, Divines, Max Magicka Enchant
3x Willpower
Neck – Arcane, Spell Damage Enchant
Ring – Arcane, Potion Cool down Enchant
Ring – Arcane, Potion Cool down Enchant
The Apprentice
Want to maximise damage with this build. Have to do some testing but I *think* this will give more damage than the Mage.
The Mage
Have to do testing but pretty sure The Apprentice is slightly better.
Main Bar – Dual Wield
Inner Light: Max magicka and Mage’s Guild passives. Also used to detect nightblades.
Concealed Weapon: Seeing as this build is all about maximising burst damage, concealed is a better option than Swallow Soul as main DPS skill
Mass Hysteria: Main CC and great debuff
Lotus Fan: Gap closer
Shadowy Disguise: Used offensively for guaranteed crits
[Ultimate] Soul Harvest: Drinking potions to proc Clever Alch will mean this will be up almost all the time.
Secondary Bar – Restoration Staff
Merciless Resolve: Damage buff
Proximity Detonation: Main burst when Soul Harvest isn’t up and insane when the two are combined
Double Take: Adds much needed defense and adds to mobility when in cloak.
Healing Ward: Main heal, use with cloak to get the most out of it
Flex Spot: Piercing Mark/Shadow Image/Siphoning Attacks are all good options
[Ultimate] Ice Comet: Massive damage if you use it with shadowy disguise buff + magelight empower active
Drink a spell power potion, hit magelight, go into cloak and open with either soul harvest or concealed weapon. If opening with concealed, have Proxy up before hand. Most are nearly dead just from the Soul Harvest, a concealed or two will finish them off. For those tankier players, fear then go into DPS. Usually will kill but if not, CC wgain when immunity is down and magelight + cloak into soul harvest or concealed.
These builds have worked really well for me so far in PvP but there’s definitely room for improvement. If anyone has any input or suggestions I would appreciate them.
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
Points d'attribut

- 0

- 0

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Pièce d'ensemble
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Armor Type
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No Set selected
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No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
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No Poison selected
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