ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron

Aide / Information


  • Cliquer sur l'icône de Race, Classe et Alliance pour choisir ton option (clique sur le marqueur de question).
  • Utilise le bouton gauche de la souris pour ajouter un point de compétence.
  • Utilise le bouton droit de la souris pour retirer un point.
  • Tu peux faire évoluer tes sorts en utilisant un point de compétence sur le sort sélectionné.
  • "Réinitialiser les points" te permet de remettre a zéro l'ensemble de tes points.


Tu peux obtenir 541 points dans le jeu (9.0.5. Nekrom)!
  • Eclats Célestes: 175
  • Niveau: 64
  • DLC: 149
  • Niveaux AvA: 50
  • Donjons Vétérans: 0
  • Donjons de groupe: 24
  • Donjons publics: 16
  • Quètes de l'histoire principale: 14
  • Quètes de Zones: 49
Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5

S&B/Resto Sap Tank Post Morrowind Patch PvE build with notes for PvP conversion

  • Compétences / SortsCompétences / Sorts
  • Système ChampionSystème Champion
  • EnsemblesEnsembles
  • Copier le buildCopier le build
  • Voir la descriptionVoir la description
  • AideAide
Pacte de Cœurébène
Lame noire
Pierre de Mundus
Le Rituel - Augmente l'efficacité des soins de 8%.
0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.7.11
  • Classe
    • Merci de choisir votre classe dans le menu en haut.
  • Armes
    • Arme à deux mains
    • Une main et un bouclier
    • Deux armes
    • Arc
    • Bâton de destruction
    • Bâton de rétablissement
  • Armure
    • Armure légère
    • Armure moyenne
    • Armure lourde
  • Monde
    • Escroquerie
    • Magie des âmes
    • Loup-garou
    • Vampire
    • Sondage
    • Excavation
  • Guerre d'Alliances
    • Assaut
    • Empereur
    • Soutien
  • Guilde
    • Guilde des voleurs
    • Confrérie noire
    • Guilde des guerriers
    • Guilde des mages
    • Indomptable
    • Ordre Psijique
  • Culturel
    • Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
  • Artisanat
    • Alchimie
    • Forge
    • Couture
    • Travail du bois
    • Cuisine
    • Enchantement
    • Joaillerie

Description du build

Hi all,

This is another build for SAP Tanking post Morrowind patch, I've spent a long time trying to make my old build viable since Morrowind, you can see the up to date build here ( that build is pretty much complete but as it stands I feel like it may only be good as an off-tank for trials.
This revision of that build deviates from regular tanking in that it is only using the Inner Rage taunt as I found myself to often using Puncture. (I will slot in Puncture if I know for a fact that a boss is going to use silence as it can still be used while silenced).
At the moment I am mucking around with the skills in my bars, particularly thanks to the resto staff on back bar. Skills of interest for my back bar are now as follows: (once I work out the best one I will update this guide)
Slot1: flex slot currently trying out Volcanic Rune and Siphon Spirit (I am worried about the cast time causing me to die during boss fights and the main motive for it is for the added MP recovery and Lifesteal for the whole party
Slot2: Mutagen (dropping Bone Shield) This will help take some of the pressure off the healer not a lot I know but it will help, it also will cleanse one CC if you drop to 20% HP it may really save you although I haven't done extensive testing
All other slots are the same of course though you will also see Inner Rage now located on front main bar.

Approx Basic stats: With correct rotation and CP 160 Tri Stat Food (this is based on Imperial my current race)
Health: 30k
H Recovery: 400
Magicka: 35k
M Recovery: 1k (now lower since we can restore MP off Resto Staff)
Stamina: 25k
S Recovery: 800
Physical Resistance: 27k (thanks to defending nerf, can be mitigated with The Lady Mundus stone)
Spell Resistance: 27K (thanks to defending nerf, can be mitigated with The Lady Mundus stone)
Evasion Chance: 15%
Crit Resistance: 1k

DPS(Single Target): 10k (This is an estimate based on my current 7k-8k at CP 400)
Spell Crit: 25%
Weapon Crit: 25%
Spell Damage: 1.5k
Weapon Damage: 1.5k

Please note I have not fully tested this build as I am not CP 660.

For PvP probably swap all infused with impen and probably use Blood Spawn however I find that using Scourge does really help with survival. (keep in mind that a good healer will mean you don't really need Scourge)

Best Race: Argonian
Other Choices: Imperial & Breton

Gear is as follows:
5 Piece Bahraha's Curse:
1xSwords or Axes: Defending/Powered + Poisons or Absorb Magicka Enchant
1xSash: Sturdy + Prismatic Enchant
1xResto Staff: Defending/Infused + Poisons or Absorb Stamina Enchant
1xNecklace: Arcane + Magicka Regen
1xRing: Arcane + Spell Damage
1xRing: Arcane + Spell Damage

5 Piece Fortified Brass Set
1xChest: Infused/Impen + Prismatic enchant
1xLegs: Infused/Impen + Prismatic enchant
1xShield: Nirnhoned + Prismatic enchant
1xBoots: Sturdy + Prismatic enchant
1xBelt: Sturdy + Prismatic enchant
1xGloves: Sturdy + Prismatic enchant

Monster Set:
Helm: Infused/Impen + Prismatic enchant
Shoulders: Sturdy + Prismatic enchant

HP sap: Scourge Harvester Set:
Ult Spam: Blood Spawn:

Glyph links:
Magicka Regen:
Stamina Absorption:
Magicka Absorption:

SP + MP steal:

Pots: (can really get away with trash pots)
Tri Pot:
Utility Pot (More for PvP):

Other set of interest:
Thunder Bug Set:'s+Carpace+Set
This set provides a bit more damage, I find it seems to help me hold agro on the trash as an AoE of about 5k-6k damage really gets the attention of the trash mobs.
Shroud of the Lich Set (would replace Shackle set meaning you will need Bahraha's armour pieces and Lich jewels + weapons):
Kagrenac's Hope (used to run this pre-Morrowind):

Abilities for PvP:
Impale replaces Structured Entropy
Lotus Fan replaces Inner Rage
Concealed Weapon replaces Refreshing Path
Mass Hysteria replaces Dark Shades
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • R

  • Artisanat 0
  • Guerre 0
  • Dynamisme 0

Magie Magie
  • 0
Santé Santé
  • 0
Vigueur Vigueur
  • 0

  • No Set selected

  • Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de pouvoir passif

Pièce d'ensemble

Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.

Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type

1. Barre d'action

Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected

2. Barre d'action

Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected

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