Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5
Saps R Us



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.6.0
- Classe
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- Armes
- Arme à deux mains
- Une main et un bouclier
- Deux armes
- Arc
- Bâton de destruction
- Bâton de rétablissement
- Armure
- Armure légère
- Armure moyenne
- Armure lourde
- Monde
- Escroquerie
- Magie des âmes
- Loup-garou
- Vampire
- Sondage
- Excavation
- Guerre d'Alliances
- Assaut
- Empereur
- Soutien
- Guilde
- Guilde des voleurs
- Confrérie noire
- Guilde des guerriers
- Guilde des mages
- Indomptable
- Ordre Psijique
- Culturel
- Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
- Artisanat
- Alchimie
- Forge
- Couture
- Travail du bois
- Cuisine
- Enchantement
- Joaillerie
Description du build
For armor we are currently running:
1 Light 1 Medium 5 Heavy (for Undaunted passive)
5 pieces of Armor master - (Which is why I took shuffle over mirage)
5 pieces of Plague Doctor - I think this set is sick, it put me over 50k Health as a NB, however you can replace it with any set you see fit. Such as Bahara's Curse or Leeching plate, just make sure whatever you use has jewelry as the double 5 piece bonuses are nice.
Chudan's Monster set - Preferably infused helm and divines shoulders
**Infused on the large pieces and divines on small pieces
**Health enchants on small pieces and prismatic defense on large pieces
**Defending enchants on swords or maces
**for jewlery it's situational but I prefer spell damage or magicka regen
Your rotation is pretty simple, With this build you have a ton of sustain and mitigation so you really only need to block power hits.
Buff/Debuff management will make or break you. Also knowing when and how to pull agro. With that being said here are some generic rotations.
Siphoning -> Immovable Brute (when this comes off cooldown reapply SA) -> Refreshing Path (can swap with caltrops if you don't need the extra health) -> Shuffle -> Sap Essence -> rinse and repeat ( you can even throw some light and heavy attacks in and cancel animations for added damage and resource return)
Single Target/Boss:
(always keep war horn up, only use veil if you think you are in danger)
** Use absorb magic when needed
Taunt -> Siphoning -> Immovable Brute -> Shadow Image (can tele if you are at a distance) -> refreshing path -> Shuffle -> Sap Essence -> Swallow Soul
I just tested this build today NOV 15 2016
With armor skills always up you will constantly be at cap for resistances, and you will be around 20k Mag, 46-48k hp, and about 12-14k Stam. This build is too good for PvE. You can solo anything due to your survivability, however your damage isn't the greatest so I'd recommend adding spell damage to your glyphs for sure, and maybe even swap out one of the 5 piece sets for a damage dealing set.
Works great, you can take any vet dungeon with ease. You will definitely need to run purple food because you are extremely low on stamina, but if you weave heavy attacks in with your rotation and you won't have any issues with your stam. If you do find you are running low on stamina too much, you might want to adjust your playstyle or consider sacrificing some of your HP pool for more Stam.
Because of the Chudan's set, I now realize that brute is not needed, it will put you way over the resistances cap so it's just not needed. Feel free to swap it out with whatever you like. I prefer Harness Magicka.
1 Light 1 Medium 5 Heavy (for Undaunted passive)
5 pieces of Armor master - (Which is why I took shuffle over mirage)
5 pieces of Plague Doctor - I think this set is sick, it put me over 50k Health as a NB, however you can replace it with any set you see fit. Such as Bahara's Curse or Leeching plate, just make sure whatever you use has jewelry as the double 5 piece bonuses are nice.
Chudan's Monster set - Preferably infused helm and divines shoulders
**Infused on the large pieces and divines on small pieces
**Health enchants on small pieces and prismatic defense on large pieces
**Defending enchants on swords or maces
**for jewlery it's situational but I prefer spell damage or magicka regen
Your rotation is pretty simple, With this build you have a ton of sustain and mitigation so you really only need to block power hits.
Buff/Debuff management will make or break you. Also knowing when and how to pull agro. With that being said here are some generic rotations.
Siphoning -> Immovable Brute (when this comes off cooldown reapply SA) -> Refreshing Path (can swap with caltrops if you don't need the extra health) -> Shuffle -> Sap Essence -> rinse and repeat ( you can even throw some light and heavy attacks in and cancel animations for added damage and resource return)
Single Target/Boss:
(always keep war horn up, only use veil if you think you are in danger)
** Use absorb magic when needed
Taunt -> Siphoning -> Immovable Brute -> Shadow Image (can tele if you are at a distance) -> refreshing path -> Shuffle -> Sap Essence -> Swallow Soul
I just tested this build today NOV 15 2016
With armor skills always up you will constantly be at cap for resistances, and you will be around 20k Mag, 46-48k hp, and about 12-14k Stam. This build is too good for PvE. You can solo anything due to your survivability, however your damage isn't the greatest so I'd recommend adding spell damage to your glyphs for sure, and maybe even swap out one of the 5 piece sets for a damage dealing set.
Works great, you can take any vet dungeon with ease. You will definitely need to run purple food because you are extremely low on stamina, but if you weave heavy attacks in with your rotation and you won't have any issues with your stam. If you do find you are running low on stamina too much, you might want to adjust your playstyle or consider sacrificing some of your HP pool for more Stam.
Because of the Chudan's set, I now realize that brute is not needed, it will put you way over the resistances cap so it's just not needed. Feel free to swap it out with whatever you like. I prefer Harness Magicka.
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
Points d'attribut

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Sorts passifs
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Pièce d'ensemble
Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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