Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.2.5
Frost Bones - PvE Necromancer Tank Build
Pierre de Mundus
0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 5.3.8
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Description du build
PvE Tank with S&S and Frost Staff. Focusing on Buffing allies and Debuffing enemies using frost and the undead. Can work as a primary tank but works best as an Off-Tank or Add-Tank.
**Ability Explanation**
Buff/Debuff Bar - Frost Staff:
Our back bar has all of our Buffs and Debuffs. Keeping them up as much as possible is important. The following is the order in which to use these abilities in order to maximize up-time.
Beckoning Armor > Spirit Guardian > Elemental Blockade > Agony Totem > Unnerving Boneyard
Active Bar - S&S:
Our front bar is where we will be doing most of our work and has utilities to use when the need arises. Any ability labeled a "flex spot" is able to be swapped out for different encounters or to better fit your play style. See the Flex Abilities section below for recommended abilities.
Inner Beast - Our primary taunt. Can be used at range but can be expensive. Try to be accurate and conservative with this ability.
Hungry Scythe - A decant on demand heal and DPS boost that is best used when fighting multiple enemies. Also provides a nice HoT. This ability is a flex spot.
Necrotic Potency - Should be used whenever corpses are on the ground that are able to be consumed. Good ultimate generation and a nice heal.
Deep Thoughts - Gives us Health, Stamina, and Magicka back but cannot perform any other action while it is toggled on. With Psijic-Order passives this reduces damage we take by 30% while chaneling. Another Psiji-Order passive also provides us with a damage shield while blocking simply by being on our bar. This is a flex spot.
Heroic Slash - Reduces damage the enemy does and provides us with ultimate generation. Should be used whenever possible throughout the fight.
Flex abilities:
Spell Symmetry - Morph of Equilibrium in the Mages Guild skill line
Puncture - Found in the S&S skill line. Either morph is fine just note that we already get all the buffs and debuffs this ability offers elsewhere in our build.
Ultimate use:
Renewing Animation - This is on our front bar so we can benefit from the "Near-Death Experience" passive. Amazing tool that can revive and entire dungeon group if you are the only player still alive. Which as the tank is very possible.
Glacial Colossus - Primary ultimate. Does AoE damage and increases damage taken by enemies. Also provides a stun. Can be replaced with Aggressive Horn from the Assault skill line if preferred. (I usually have my healer run War Horn while while I run Colossus and try to sync them up.)
S Tier:
Ebon Armory
Roar of Alkosh
Lord Warden
A Tier:
Fortified Brass
Torug's Pact
B Tier:
Night's Silence (Only used in 2 spots if you do not have a proper monster mask set)
When using synergies from Shard or Orbs that healers provide. You will receive the either Stamina or Magicka. The stat you receive is based of which ever you have the most of. Because of this it is important to insure that your Max Stamina is higher than your Max Magicka. If you have to make adjustments to your attributes that is fine.
**Ability Explanation**
Buff/Debuff Bar - Frost Staff:
Our back bar has all of our Buffs and Debuffs. Keeping them up as much as possible is important. The following is the order in which to use these abilities in order to maximize up-time.
Beckoning Armor > Spirit Guardian > Elemental Blockade > Agony Totem > Unnerving Boneyard
Active Bar - S&S:
Our front bar is where we will be doing most of our work and has utilities to use when the need arises. Any ability labeled a "flex spot" is able to be swapped out for different encounters or to better fit your play style. See the Flex Abilities section below for recommended abilities.
Inner Beast - Our primary taunt. Can be used at range but can be expensive. Try to be accurate and conservative with this ability.
Hungry Scythe - A decant on demand heal and DPS boost that is best used when fighting multiple enemies. Also provides a nice HoT. This ability is a flex spot.
Necrotic Potency - Should be used whenever corpses are on the ground that are able to be consumed. Good ultimate generation and a nice heal.
Deep Thoughts - Gives us Health, Stamina, and Magicka back but cannot perform any other action while it is toggled on. With Psijic-Order passives this reduces damage we take by 30% while chaneling. Another Psiji-Order passive also provides us with a damage shield while blocking simply by being on our bar. This is a flex spot.
Heroic Slash - Reduces damage the enemy does and provides us with ultimate generation. Should be used whenever possible throughout the fight.
Flex abilities:
Spell Symmetry - Morph of Equilibrium in the Mages Guild skill line
Puncture - Found in the S&S skill line. Either morph is fine just note that we already get all the buffs and debuffs this ability offers elsewhere in our build.
Ultimate use:
Renewing Animation - This is on our front bar so we can benefit from the "Near-Death Experience" passive. Amazing tool that can revive and entire dungeon group if you are the only player still alive. Which as the tank is very possible.
Glacial Colossus - Primary ultimate. Does AoE damage and increases damage taken by enemies. Also provides a stun. Can be replaced with Aggressive Horn from the Assault skill line if preferred. (I usually have my healer run War Horn while while I run Colossus and try to sync them up.)
S Tier:
Ebon Armory
Roar of Alkosh
Lord Warden
A Tier:
Fortified Brass
Torug's Pact
B Tier:
Night's Silence (Only used in 2 spots if you do not have a proper monster mask set)
When using synergies from Shard or Orbs that healers provide. You will receive the either Stamina or Magicka. The stat you receive is based of which ever you have the most of. Because of this it is important to insure that your Max Stamina is higher than your Max Magicka. If you have to make adjustments to your attributes that is fine.
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Points d'attribut
- 0
- 0
- 0
- No Set selected
Sorts passifs
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Pièce d'ensemble
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Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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