Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.2.5
Stamcro AOE Bomb
Pierre de Mundus
0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 8.0.5
- Classe
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- Armes
- Arme à deux mains
- Une main et un bouclier
- Deux armes
- Arc
- Bâton de destruction
- Bâton de rétablissement
- Armure
- Armure légère
- Armure moyenne
- Armure lourde
- Monde
- Escroquerie
- Magie des âmes
- Loup-garou
- Vampire
- Sondage
- Excavation
- Guerre d'Alliances
- Assaut
- Empereur
- Soutien
- Guilde
- Guilde des voleurs
- Confrérie noire
- Guilde des guerriers
- Guilde des mages
- Indomptable
- Ordre Psijique
- Culturel
- Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
- Artisanat
- Alchimie
- Forge
- Couture
- Travail du bois
- Cuisine
- Enchantement
- Joaillerie
Description du build
In this build, it is all about utilizing both recourses efficiently, meaning taking advantage of the easily accessible amounts of weapon damage given by medium armor, and using the restoration staff to be able to use your magicka for healing without double dipping into your stamina for healing as well! And what better way to double dip, than to play it with a bosmer (wood elf) in combination with necromancers insane aoe damage and bursts!
With the hybridization changes, every offensive ability in the game now scales off of your highest offensive stat! What that means is, essentially if you are using the resistant flesh magicka heal, instead of the heal scaling off of your spell damage, it will now scale off of your highest offensive stat regardless of it being a magicka, or stamina ability. Furthermore, because you can achieve much higher weapon damage in comparison to our magicka counterparts, resistant flesh will heal for a lot more with weapon damage, than with spell damage.
The core principle of the build, is to use stamina to stay offensive with using core combat abilities, and using the resto staff to regen magicka, while using all magicka heals to sustain stamina to block and roll dodge when on the defensive. With the serpent mundus, this build will be recovering over 2200 Stamina recovery with the help of the food buff given by lava foot saltrice, the serpent mundus stone, and the alliance battle drought potion, which is more than enough to regenerate stamina while on the defensive, or when you are running low on stamina, and you switch to your back bar to sustain yourself.
The offensive part of this build, is to quickly burst your target down, while holding a lot of pressure after the initial burst. The burst window for this build, is to activate clever alchemist which is on your back bar. To do so, you drink a potion and you will be buffed 675 weapon damage. To continue, you will switch back to your front bar and initiate the burst combo, in which dawnbreaker will activate balorgh to give you another damage buff! The combo is as followed, caltrops > light attack > blastbones > light attack > whirlwind > light attack > dawn breaker > boneyard > synergy > light attack > blastbones > spam: (light attack > whirlwind). When not using dawnbreaker, substitute it for turn evil, to stun them with that instead. Lastly, the colossus ultimate is only for large aoe groups of enemies, like battlegrounds or open world pvp, in which will replace dawnbreaker or turn evil in the rotation combo.
The defensive part of this build, is to use the resto staff to regenerate magicka for your heals when you are defensive. When you are getting bursted down, or trying to sponge alot of damage pressure, instead of using your stamina pool, you can spam your magicka heals and when you run low, full heavy attacks regenerate more magicka! One quick tip, when you are ready to switch offensively, you can cast rapid regen so that you are tankier when offensive because you will not have flare on the front bar to mitigate 10% damage. Furthermore, there is no rotation, you use abilities accordingly, resistant flesh to stay topped off, keep bone armor and spirit mender up at ALL times, and use rapid regen when in full defensive mode, or using it to be tankier when offensive.
To summarize, stamina necromancer is a very lethal build because using dual wield allows for alot of aoe damage to single target enemies, making this build suitable for dueling, and 1vX scenarios. In combination with duel wield passives, and whirlwind, the execution on this build deals alot of damage, which synergizes well with the necromancers burst combo because whirlwind deals 100% more damage to enemies under 50% health, and the duel wield passive, gives you a 10% increased damage buff to whirlwind only to enemies under 25% health for a total of 110% more damage to any enemies under 25% health, which is why you spam whirlwind after a combo in case the burst is not enough to put an enemy down.
With the hybridization changes, every offensive ability in the game now scales off of your highest offensive stat! What that means is, essentially if you are using the resistant flesh magicka heal, instead of the heal scaling off of your spell damage, it will now scale off of your highest offensive stat regardless of it being a magicka, or stamina ability. Furthermore, because you can achieve much higher weapon damage in comparison to our magicka counterparts, resistant flesh will heal for a lot more with weapon damage, than with spell damage.
The core principle of the build, is to use stamina to stay offensive with using core combat abilities, and using the resto staff to regen magicka, while using all magicka heals to sustain stamina to block and roll dodge when on the defensive. With the serpent mundus, this build will be recovering over 2200 Stamina recovery with the help of the food buff given by lava foot saltrice, the serpent mundus stone, and the alliance battle drought potion, which is more than enough to regenerate stamina while on the defensive, or when you are running low on stamina, and you switch to your back bar to sustain yourself.
The offensive part of this build, is to quickly burst your target down, while holding a lot of pressure after the initial burst. The burst window for this build, is to activate clever alchemist which is on your back bar. To do so, you drink a potion and you will be buffed 675 weapon damage. To continue, you will switch back to your front bar and initiate the burst combo, in which dawnbreaker will activate balorgh to give you another damage buff! The combo is as followed, caltrops > light attack > blastbones > light attack > whirlwind > light attack > dawn breaker > boneyard > synergy > light attack > blastbones > spam: (light attack > whirlwind). When not using dawnbreaker, substitute it for turn evil, to stun them with that instead. Lastly, the colossus ultimate is only for large aoe groups of enemies, like battlegrounds or open world pvp, in which will replace dawnbreaker or turn evil in the rotation combo.
The defensive part of this build, is to use the resto staff to regenerate magicka for your heals when you are defensive. When you are getting bursted down, or trying to sponge alot of damage pressure, instead of using your stamina pool, you can spam your magicka heals and when you run low, full heavy attacks regenerate more magicka! One quick tip, when you are ready to switch offensively, you can cast rapid regen so that you are tankier when offensive because you will not have flare on the front bar to mitigate 10% damage. Furthermore, there is no rotation, you use abilities accordingly, resistant flesh to stay topped off, keep bone armor and spirit mender up at ALL times, and use rapid regen when in full defensive mode, or using it to be tankier when offensive.
To summarize, stamina necromancer is a very lethal build because using dual wield allows for alot of aoe damage to single target enemies, making this build suitable for dueling, and 1vX scenarios. In combination with duel wield passives, and whirlwind, the execution on this build deals alot of damage, which synergizes well with the necromancers burst combo because whirlwind deals 100% more damage to enemies under 50% health, and the duel wield passive, gives you a 10% increased damage buff to whirlwind only to enemies under 25% health for a total of 110% more damage to any enemies under 25% health, which is why you spam whirlwind after a combo in case the burst is not enough to put an enemy down.
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Points d'attribut
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 5x Domaine de Dagon
- 4x L’Alchimiste astucieux
- 2x Balorgh
- 1x Armure du débutant
- 1x L’Anneau de majesté de Markyn
Sorts passifs
- Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de pouvoir passif
- Maintenez la touche Majuscule enfoncée pour déverrouiller le rang suivant.
Pièce d'ensemble
Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.Slot
Armor Type
Armure moyenne
Glyphe de défense prismatique
Armure légère
Glyphe vigoureux
L’Alchimiste astucieux
Armure moyenne
Glyphe vigoureux
Armure du débutant
Armure lourde
Glyphe de défense prismatique
Domaine de Dagon
Armure moyenne
Glyphe vigoureux
Domaine de Dagon
Armure moyenne
Glyphe de défense prismatique
Domaine de Dagon
Armure moyenne
Glyphe vigoureux
L’Alchimiste astucieux
Glyphe de résistance physique
L’Alchimiste astucieux
Glyphe de résistance physique
L’Anneau de majesté de Markyn
Glyphe de résistance physique
Weapon Type
Main principale
Domaine de Dagon
Glyphe de dégâts d'arme
Main secondaire
Domaine de Dagon
Glyphe de dégâts d'arme
No Poison selected
Main principale
L’Alchimiste astucieux
Bâton de guérison
Glyphe affaiblissant
Main secondaire
L’Alchimiste astucieux
Bâton de guérison
Glyphe affaiblissant
No Poison selected
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