Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.7.11
- Classe
- Merci de choisir votre classe dans le menu en haut.
- Armes
- Arme à deux mains
- Une main et un bouclier
- Deux armes
- Arc
- Bâton de destruction
- Bâton de rétablissement
- Armure
- Armure légère
- Armure moyenne
- Armure lourde
- Monde
- Escroquerie
- Magie des âmes
- Loup-garou
- Vampire
- Sondage
- Excavation
- Guerre d'Alliances
- Assaut
- Empereur
- Soutien
- Guilde
- Guilde des voleurs
- Confrérie noire
- Guilde des guerriers
- Guilde des mages
- Indomptable
- Ordre Psijique
- Culturel
- Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
- Artisanat
- Alchimie
- Forge
- Couture
- Travail du bois
- Cuisine
- Enchantement
- Joaillerie
Description du build
Skill Explanation:
Bar 1 - Sword and Board: You ideally want to use this to apply pressure while staying tanky-ish
Toppling Charge: Gap Closer and Stun, usually will use this as an opener
Blazing Shield: Use this once you're in close, ideally against a group of enemies, to be tanky and set up some burst
Total Dark/Blazing Spear: If you're running with some Stamina hungry people, blazing spear is probably best. against sorcs or other projectile users, Total Dark will be best.
Elemental Weapon: you'll basically spam this skill for your main pressure application. Use the skill, Light attack, rinse repeat as much as you can
Radiant Oppression: Execute ability. 'Nuff said.
Ultimate - Shooting Star: Strong burst with a ground AoE afterwards.
Bar 2 - Resto Staff: This is for healing as well as Magicka Sustain when needed.
Rapid Regeneration: Heal you probably want to keep up as much as possible, solid numbers and fast ticks on the HoT
Purifying Light: Can set up some MAJOR burst in a small group if you focus the right target, with the added bonus of some leftover heals.
Siphon spirit: Apply this to the main target to give Health and Magicka sustain to everyone who attacks them.
Extended Ritual: A nice heal but more importantly it cleanses harmful effects. Use when we are hit with DOTs and debuffs, allies can use a synergy and you automatically cleanse 5 negative effects.
Total Dark or Dark Flare: I prefer Total Dark for Added sustain and to try to get them to be less aggressive, but Dark Flare is a bit of Ranged damage, along with Major Defile (Reduces the healing they take) AND empower. Ideally use this before swapping to your execute on your first bar.
Ultimate - Life Giver: A big heal along with a buff. Could also use the Restoring Light Ultimate if you prefer.
Bar 1 - Sword and Board: You ideally want to use this to apply pressure while staying tanky-ish
Toppling Charge: Gap Closer and Stun, usually will use this as an opener
Blazing Shield: Use this once you're in close, ideally against a group of enemies, to be tanky and set up some burst
Total Dark/Blazing Spear: If you're running with some Stamina hungry people, blazing spear is probably best. against sorcs or other projectile users, Total Dark will be best.
Elemental Weapon: you'll basically spam this skill for your main pressure application. Use the skill, Light attack, rinse repeat as much as you can
Radiant Oppression: Execute ability. 'Nuff said.
Ultimate - Shooting Star: Strong burst with a ground AoE afterwards.
Bar 2 - Resto Staff: This is for healing as well as Magicka Sustain when needed.
Rapid Regeneration: Heal you probably want to keep up as much as possible, solid numbers and fast ticks on the HoT
Purifying Light: Can set up some MAJOR burst in a small group if you focus the right target, with the added bonus of some leftover heals.
Siphon spirit: Apply this to the main target to give Health and Magicka sustain to everyone who attacks them.
Extended Ritual: A nice heal but more importantly it cleanses harmful effects. Use when we are hit with DOTs and debuffs, allies can use a synergy and you automatically cleanse 5 negative effects.
Total Dark or Dark Flare: I prefer Total Dark for Added sustain and to try to get them to be less aggressive, but Dark Flare is a bit of Ranged damage, along with Major Defile (Reduces the healing they take) AND empower. Ideally use this before swapping to your execute on your first bar.
Ultimate - Life Giver: A big heal along with a buff. Could also use the Restoring Light Ultimate if you prefer.
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
Points d'attribut

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Sorts passifs
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Pièce d'ensemble
Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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