Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5
Meridia's Guardian - Templar Tank/DPS Build 2H + 1H and Shield



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.7.11
- Classe
- Merci de choisir votre classe dans le menu en haut.
- Armes
- Arme à deux mains
- Une main et un bouclier
- Deux armes
- Arc
- Bâton de destruction
- Bâton de rétablissement
- Armure
- Armure légère
- Armure moyenne
- Armure lourde
- Monde
- Escroquerie
- Magie des âmes
- Loup-garou
- Vampire
- Sondage
- Excavation
- Guerre d'Alliances
- Assaut
- Empereur
- Soutien
- Guilde
- Guilde des voleurs
- Confrérie noire
- Guilde des guerriers
- Guilde des mages
- Indomptable
- Ordre Psijique
- Culturel
- Merci de choisir votre Race dans le menu en haut.
- Artisanat
- Alchimie
- Forge
- Couture
- Travail du bois
- Cuisine
- Enchantement
- Joaillerie
Description du build
All credit for this build goes to Sherman's Gaming on YouTube.
Be sure to check out his channel for awesome ESO content and more.
To see this build in action check out his video here:
This build can be used as a Main-Tank in Dungeons, Off-Tank in Trials. Built for self-sustain through scaling damage shields and heals.
I run this build as a Nord. Other good races to use are Orc, Imperial, or even Argonian if you want to go for an Off-Healer as well.
Bar Setup:
Bar 1 - 2 Handed Weapon
Brawler - Rally - Blazing Shield - Repentance - Evil Hunter --- Aggressive Warhorn
Bar2 - 1 Handed and Shield
Pierce Armor - Deep Slash - Razor Caltrops or Echoing Vigor - Restoring Focus - Evil Hunter --- Flawless Dawnbreaker
Choice between Razor Caltrops and Vigor is whether your group wants more heals or DPS. Up to you, very situational.
To run this build solo, swap 1H+Shield Bar for a Bow and run that as a DoT bar like so:
Poison Injection - Arrow Barrage - Razor Caltrops - Restoring Focus - Evil Hunter --- Flawless Dawnbreaker
Also, when soloing, running Flawless Dawnbreaker on both bars is a good idea for extra weapon damage.
GEAR SETUP: 5/5/2 on 1H+Shield bar, 5/4/2 on 2H bar
2pc Swarm Mother
Heavy Visage - Infused+Max Stamina
Heavy Pauldrons - Reinforced+Max Stamina
4/5pc Kvatch Gladiator
Medium Gloves - Nirnhoned+Max Stamina
Light Belt - Nirnhoned+Max Stamina
Heavy Cuirass - Infused+Max Stamina
2H Maul - Defending+Weapon Damage
Mace - Nirnhoned+Crusher Enchantment
Shield - Nirnhoned+Max Stamina
5pc Plague Doctor
Heavy Boots - Reinforced+Max Stamina
Heavy Leggings - Infused+Max Stamina
Ring - Healthy+Magicka Recovery
Ring - Healthy+Weapon Damage
Necklace - Healthy+Weapon Damage
Where to find Gear:
Swarm Mother:
Veteran Spindleclutch I
Monster Masks will drop 100% of the time from the final boss in Veteran mode.
Shoulders have a chance to drop from Maj al-Ragath's Chest using Pledge Key.
Plague Doctor:
Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet set piece from the zone they are located in.
Each boss also has a small chance to drop a unique set piece.
Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon set piece.
Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon set piece
Treasure Chests gained from defeating a Dark Anchor have a 100% chance to drop a ring or amulet set piece from the zone in which they are located.
Kvatch Gladiator
Crafted Set - 5 Traits
Gold Coast - Marja's Mill
Location found here: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elder-Scrolls-Online/kvatch_gladiator.jpg
Leveling TIPS:
Remember to keep one skill from each Templar tree, plus one each of 2H and 1H+Shield on your bar at all times, and use a 5H/1M/1L armor setup to level each type of armor simultaneously as you gain EXP. By the time you hit level 50, and if not, then definitely by cp160, all skills should be maxed out if you follow this setup. Then you can respec at a Rededication Shrine and follow this build.
While leveling this build, if you don't have Vigor, Caltrops, Warhorn, or Dawnbreaker yet because you haven't done enough PvP or haven't leveled up Fighter's Guild to max, replace Vigor with Repentance (Restoring Light Tree), Caltrops with Reverberating Bash (1H+Shield Tree), Warhorn with Empowering Sweeps (Aedric Spear Tree), and Dawnbreaker with Solar Disturbance (Dawn's Wrath Tree).
Be sure to check out his channel for awesome ESO content and more.
To see this build in action check out his video here:
This build can be used as a Main-Tank in Dungeons, Off-Tank in Trials. Built for self-sustain through scaling damage shields and heals.
I run this build as a Nord. Other good races to use are Orc, Imperial, or even Argonian if you want to go for an Off-Healer as well.
Bar Setup:
Bar 1 - 2 Handed Weapon
Brawler - Rally - Blazing Shield - Repentance - Evil Hunter --- Aggressive Warhorn
Bar2 - 1 Handed and Shield
Pierce Armor - Deep Slash - Razor Caltrops or Echoing Vigor - Restoring Focus - Evil Hunter --- Flawless Dawnbreaker
Choice between Razor Caltrops and Vigor is whether your group wants more heals or DPS. Up to you, very situational.
To run this build solo, swap 1H+Shield Bar for a Bow and run that as a DoT bar like so:
Poison Injection - Arrow Barrage - Razor Caltrops - Restoring Focus - Evil Hunter --- Flawless Dawnbreaker
Also, when soloing, running Flawless Dawnbreaker on both bars is a good idea for extra weapon damage.
GEAR SETUP: 5/5/2 on 1H+Shield bar, 5/4/2 on 2H bar
2pc Swarm Mother
Heavy Visage - Infused+Max Stamina
Heavy Pauldrons - Reinforced+Max Stamina
4/5pc Kvatch Gladiator
Medium Gloves - Nirnhoned+Max Stamina
Light Belt - Nirnhoned+Max Stamina
Heavy Cuirass - Infused+Max Stamina
2H Maul - Defending+Weapon Damage
Mace - Nirnhoned+Crusher Enchantment
Shield - Nirnhoned+Max Stamina
5pc Plague Doctor
Heavy Boots - Reinforced+Max Stamina
Heavy Leggings - Infused+Max Stamina
Ring - Healthy+Magicka Recovery
Ring - Healthy+Weapon Damage
Necklace - Healthy+Weapon Damage
Where to find Gear:
Swarm Mother:
Veteran Spindleclutch I
Monster Masks will drop 100% of the time from the final boss in Veteran mode.
Shoulders have a chance to drop from Maj al-Ragath's Chest using Pledge Key.
Plague Doctor:
Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet set piece from the zone they are located in.
Each boss also has a small chance to drop a unique set piece.
Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon set piece.
Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon set piece
Treasure Chests gained from defeating a Dark Anchor have a 100% chance to drop a ring or amulet set piece from the zone in which they are located.
Kvatch Gladiator
Crafted Set - 5 Traits
Gold Coast - Marja's Mill
Location found here: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elder-Scrolls-Online/kvatch_gladiator.jpg
Leveling TIPS:
Remember to keep one skill from each Templar tree, plus one each of 2H and 1H+Shield on your bar at all times, and use a 5H/1M/1L armor setup to level each type of armor simultaneously as you gain EXP. By the time you hit level 50, and if not, then definitely by cp160, all skills should be maxed out if you follow this setup. Then you can respec at a Rededication Shrine and follow this build.
While leveling this build, if you don't have Vigor, Caltrops, Warhorn, or Dawnbreaker yet because you haven't done enough PvP or haven't leveled up Fighter's Guild to max, replace Vigor with Repentance (Restoring Light Tree), Caltrops with Reverberating Bash (1H+Shield Tree), Warhorn with Empowering Sweeps (Aedric Spear Tree), and Dawnbreaker with Solar Disturbance (Dawn's Wrath Tree).
Barre d'action
Rang de Champion: 0
Points d'attribut

- 0

- 0

- 0
- No Set selected
Sorts passifs
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- Maintenez la touche Majuscule enfoncée pour déverrouiller le rang suivant.
Pièce d'ensemble
Ici, vous pouvez visualiser l'aperçu des pièces d'ensemble suggérées pour ce build.Slot
Armor Type
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
Main principale
No Set selected
Main secondaire
No Set selected
No Poison selected
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