Le planificateur de compétences a le niveau de correctif 10.3.5
PvP - Hist Templar for Azura (non-CP)



Pierre de Mundus

0 / 541
Points Champion
0 / 3600
Mise a jour
Patch 2.6.0
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Description du build
Hello together,
this is my PvP heal templar for Azura (non-CP).
In general this is for smal groups up to 6 people. If you want to go with bigger groups, switch out 2x swords for resto staff and put in combat prayer and mutagen or rapid regeneration.
For my experience the unkillable templar combination Transmutation/Reactive armor/Malubeth doesn´ t work as well in Azura as it works in true flame. Without CP´s it s more difficult with ressource sustain as I thought. In long fights you have to think more as before, if you heal or use a skill now or not.
This was the reason that I tried a lot of set combination to find out which gives me: sustain/defense and something like reactive armor.
Here we go: Robes of the Hist ! :)
This set gives us all we need. Health/Magicka/Mag-Regen and the 5pcs boni is like reactive armor: reduce disabling effects by 20% AND heal us every sec for 2k during disabling effects. And yes this is always up! Only downside - reactive works with snare too (i don t know if this is a fault of the set - but it does) Robes of hist 5pcs doesn t work with snares. "really" disabling effects only!
Second set we use is armor of seducer. I tried a lot of combinations with Magnus/ Kagi/ Transmutation/ Seducer/ Arch/ Lich/ CyroLight and some different monster sets. But for me I got best results with Hist+Seducer+Malubeth.
Hist jewellery is really easy to get or very cheap in guild traders (purple around 300-1k). Weapons are very expensive but those you get in shadowfeen easy as well. (ok, good luck with rng traits :-p ) Than I use a crafted shield and crafted second 1H because impen shield of hist is very hard to get (I had no luck...)
Than go with 1 light hist impen set (belt or shoes or gloves) + 1 medium malu or seducer and in total 5pcs heavy armor. All impenetrable! You need it because of the missing transmutation buff.
Why Malubeth: You can use different Monster sets too. Chokethorn was nice. Bogdan nightflame too. Trollking as well but Malubeth/Nightflame only gives you health. And yes these 1k less are very noticeable. And for me I don t like the bogdan procc because the totem remains on one position and the radius isn t really high. I still go with malu because I like the look :D and the procc + hist 5pcs helps you a lot if you are in focus.
Stats in Cyro + Malubeth:
28k health
33k magicka
12k stamina
2,4k mag regen
26k spell res
24,5k phys res
(Note: I m argonian and vampire!) And I use prismatic glyphes on all my big set pcs. Smaller ones are enchanted with max-magicka. Jewellery is with 1x regen / 2x reduced costs.
2x reduce costs on jew because I play with S&B + 2x 1H only! and in smal groups. So my main heal is breath of life and yes we spam this a lot, because we can :D
food: I use this from witches festival, doesn t know the english name (my native language is bavarian) but it gives you around 3k health/3k Mag + 300 mag-regen. My little lizzard love it :)
Have fun with an alternative reactive armor build in Azura. See you around! Cheers :)
this is my PvP heal templar for Azura (non-CP).
In general this is for smal groups up to 6 people. If you want to go with bigger groups, switch out 2x swords for resto staff and put in combat prayer and mutagen or rapid regeneration.
For my experience the unkillable templar combination Transmutation/Reactive armor/Malubeth doesn´ t work as well in Azura as it works in true flame. Without CP´s it s more difficult with ressource sustain as I thought. In long fights you have to think more as before, if you heal or use a skill now or not.
This was the reason that I tried a lot of set combination to find out which gives me: sustain/defense and something like reactive armor.
Here we go: Robes of the Hist ! :)
This set gives us all we need. Health/Magicka/Mag-Regen and the 5pcs boni is like reactive armor: reduce disabling effects by 20% AND heal us every sec for 2k during disabling effects. And yes this is always up! Only downside - reactive works with snare too (i don t know if this is a fault of the set - but it does) Robes of hist 5pcs doesn t work with snares. "really" disabling effects only!
Second set we use is armor of seducer. I tried a lot of combinations with Magnus/ Kagi/ Transmutation/ Seducer/ Arch/ Lich/ CyroLight and some different monster sets. But for me I got best results with Hist+Seducer+Malubeth.
Hist jewellery is really easy to get or very cheap in guild traders (purple around 300-1k). Weapons are very expensive but those you get in shadowfeen easy as well. (ok, good luck with rng traits :-p ) Than I use a crafted shield and crafted second 1H because impen shield of hist is very hard to get (I had no luck...)
Than go with 1 light hist impen set (belt or shoes or gloves) + 1 medium malu or seducer and in total 5pcs heavy armor. All impenetrable! You need it because of the missing transmutation buff.
Why Malubeth: You can use different Monster sets too. Chokethorn was nice. Bogdan nightflame too. Trollking as well but Malubeth/Nightflame only gives you health. And yes these 1k less are very noticeable. And for me I don t like the bogdan procc because the totem remains on one position and the radius isn t really high. I still go with malu because I like the look :D and the procc + hist 5pcs helps you a lot if you are in focus.
Stats in Cyro + Malubeth:
28k health
33k magicka
12k stamina
2,4k mag regen
26k spell res
24,5k phys res
(Note: I m argonian and vampire!) And I use prismatic glyphes on all my big set pcs. Smaller ones are enchanted with max-magicka. Jewellery is with 1x regen / 2x reduced costs.
2x reduce costs on jew because I play with S&B + 2x 1H only! and in smal groups. So my main heal is breath of life and yes we spam this a lot, because we can :D
food: I use this from witches festival, doesn t know the english name (my native language is bavarian) but it gives you around 3k health/3k Mag + 300 mag-regen. My little lizzard love it :)
Have fun with an alternative reactive armor build in Azura. See you around! Cheers :)
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Pièce d'ensemble
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No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
No Set selected
Weapon Type
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No Poison selected
Main principale
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