Profile of BlackRaven90
Profile of BlackRaven90
Profile information | |
First name | Not Specified |
Online | Offline Last online: 09/03/2015 13:37 |
Gender | Male |
Date of birth / Age | 03/10/1990 (35 years old) |
Place of residence | Not Specified |
Character Name | Not Specified |
Guild | Not Specified |
Member since | 05/28/2015 15:22:33 |
Awards | |||
BlackRaven90 has no awards. |
BlackRaven90's builds
vdsa stam dd/tank
dsA dps heal
Max Dps Magica Build
Sorc Dps Skillung fürs Kaiserstadt Update
NB Stamina DD
DK Tank for update 2.1
DK Feuer Mage
9 published builds